How Project Mastermind's "Predictive Power" Can Make You a Fortune

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- Mike Ward, Publisher

Dear Reader,

Many events in life that appear to be random are actually more predictable than you might think...

It's simply a matter of analyzing enough data points.

Soon patterns begin to emerge that can lead to stunningly accurate conclusions...

In the movie Moneyball, this is how the Oakland A's went from the worst team in baseball to having the longest winning streak in the American League.

It's how Amazon knows what you want to buy next.

Make no mistake... advances in computing power have enabled folks to sift and sort through trillions of data points to gain an incredible edge.

And that's exactly what I've done with my latest initiative - Project Mastermind.

It's a stock-research system that harnesses some of the fastest computing power available to analyze mountains of stock market data...

Helping me "predict" some of the biggest - and safest - stock jumps in the market.

For example...

It helped me find a company called LIN Media... just before it shot up 137% in just four months.

It also found Bitauto before it soared 209% in just seven months.

And it found a company called Baozun before its stock jumped 159% in only five months.

Not too long ago I put the finishing touches on Project Mastermind and unveiled it to the public for the first time in a special presentation.

You can view a replay of that presentation right here and see how its "predictive power" can help make you a lot of money in the coming months.


Louis Navellier
Creator of Project Mastermind


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