| Challenge Mainstream Market Feelings With Facts | Aaron Task, Contributing Editor, The Oxford Club | This New Law Is Going to !#@% Off a Lot of Investors
Investors will say...
"I should have seen it coming."
Discover which government - with new law C-45 - has finally tipped its hand. | | I recently detailed three reasons to be bullish on the stock market today. One reason I listed for being bullish was merger and acquisition (M&A) activity. And since I shared that piece... - Charles Schwab Corp. (NYSE: SCHW) reached an agreement to acquire TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: AMTD) for $26 billion.
- Louis Vuitton's parent company, LVMH (OTC: LVMUY), raised its bid for Tiffany & Co. (NYSE: TIF) and then confirmed an agreement to buy the jewelry retailer for $16.2 million.
- Novartis (NYSE: NVS) agreed to acquire The Medicines Company (Nasdaq: MDCO) for $9.7 billion.
| According to Ernst & Young's Capital Confidence Barometer, a "massive majority" (83%) of C-suite executives expect the U.S. M&A market to improve in 2020. At the risk of repeating myself, M&A activity is very bullish. It's good for the shareholders of the firms being acquired, and it sparks excitement about other deals that might be coming. I also argued that there's cause for today's investors to be bullish thanks to improving economic conditions. That's certainly something to be grateful for... Recent readings on consumer confidence and U.S. manufacturing support the trend. Ernst & Young finds "near-unanimous expectations" among top executives for U.S. and global growth in 2020. All systems go. Check and check. But I have a confession. The cyber ink was barely dry on that prior column when I thought, "That's it, I just called the top." If you've ever sold a stock and then it started rallying, you know the feeling. But that's just it. It's a feeling. Investors are much better off focusing on facts rather than feelings. So let's discuss how people feel about the market. And then let's challenge those feelings with facts. Feeling: The market has been going up for a long time, so it's got to fall soon. Bull markets don't die of old age. There's no law stating they must end after a certain time. Historically, bull markets end because of some combination of... - Overaggressive tightening or other policy errors, which can tip the economy into recession
- War or another geopolitical shock
- Runaway inflation, which can erode the value of corporations' future cash flow
- Rampant speculation, such as occurred in the Roaring '20s and late 1990s.
War is always a risk, and geopolitics look particularly unstable right now. But the Fed has been easing, inflation has subdued and the economy is improving. Plus, this rally is nothing like the 1990s. Back then, everybody and their grandmother were trading tech stocks. Today, the market is dominated by institutional algorithms rather than individual speculators. Which brings us to our next misconception... | | The Mainstream Media Will Absolutely HATE This Video
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(Note: The 10-year Treasury yield was close to 6% in 1999 and 2000, providing a much more compelling alternative to stocks.) - Add stock buybacks to dividends, and the so-called shareholder yield of the S&P 500 is more than 5%, according to Yardeni Research.
- The earnings yield of the S&P 500 (which is the inverse of the P/E) is nearly 6%, based on expected earnings in 2020.
By these measures, stocks offer much better value than Treasurys (or corporate bonds). So next time someone says, "Stocks are expensive," you can respond as a professional investor might: Compared with what? Good investing, Aaron | | | | We've Been Lied to for Nearly a Century...
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