Economy & Markets' Weekly Digest

Economy & Markets' Weekly Digest

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but Economy & Markets will be here with coverage on the biggest stories throughout the week. As we said on Friday, Harry won't have a new rant – he'll be traveling, onboard an airplane from Australia to New York – but we've got some special cut footage from this year's Irrational Economic Summit for you in his place.

Harry still made time to get into the Economy & Markets mix this week, despite being Down Under. On Wednesday, he elaborated on the theme of an old Leading Edge with "The 7 Laws of Cycles." And on Monday, he brought a bit of insight into the landscape of the leading tech stocks of today, and how to get ahead in that sector.

Meanwhile, Rodney was busy talking about "Guns, Money, and Regulations," and the unconventional ways that the latter may affect the investment landscape. On Thursday, he took out the trash on Social Security. Spoiler alert: It's broken.

We'll be back next week.


This Week in Economy & Markets...

Live from Australia

As you know, I'm on the road in Australia at the moment, handling a few speaking engagements for my readers in fans Down Under. I always love coming here and recently have tried to do it about twice each year, and it never fails to impress or reinvigorate me. So thanks, Australia, for being lovely...

Social Security is Broke

If you think Social Security is a genuine, albeit compulsory, retirement program, then you haven't read the fine print. Most of us have to put money in over our working lives, and then get the privilege of applying for benefits when we reach age 62 or later (somehow, Congress saw fit to exempt federal employees,...

The 7 Laws of Cycles

A reader recommended I adapt an excerpt from April's Leading Edge that discusses the seven laws of cycles. These are guiding principles by which I abide at all times when performing research and forecasts. 1. All of history and progress is exponential not linear, as knowledge and learning build on itself as in compound returns...

Guns, Money, and Regulations

If you're looking for free drinks and new friends, loudly discuss your support for the Second Amendment. If you'd rather engage in colorful discourse and potentially continue the conversation outside, bring up your views of much-needed gun control and the possibility that the framers of the Constitution didn't mean for every house to have the...

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