Economy & Markets' Weekly Digest

Economy & Markets' Weekly Digest

This week, a lot of questions, not many answers. Is it time for a stock breakout? Is market sanity around the corner? Tough to tell; and as often, it might depend on who you ask.

Ask Harry and he'll tell you it is not time for a stock breakout. We'd need to see stronger stimulus signs from the Fed, or a more substantial trade agreement with China. And happens if we don't breakout? We breakdown, reminiscent to the course we charted late last year.

Rodney sees a bit of reason on the horizon, or rather a little sanity, with investors finally migrating from growth stories to actual profits. That's good news, and it's about time. But we'll have to see what happens. While we wait it out, you may want to consider hedging with gold, the great diversifier. Harry's got the latest scoop.

Thanks for reading Economy & Markets. Let's move!


This Week in Economy & Markets...

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Is Market Sanity Around the Corner?

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Gold: The Great Diversifier

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