3 Easy Ways to Profit From Earnings Announcements

The Easy Way to Profit From Earnings Announcements
Dear Trader,
I'm Hiral Ghelani, Founder and CEO of StockEarnings. I created this website after experiencing frustration (and losing money) whenever I tried to trade earnings announcements.
The problem was the earnings-related information I needed was scattered all over the Internet.
As a result, it was taking me too long to pull all this information together (and it was costing me some golden profit opportunities).
That made me realize I needed this information to be in one convenient place.
Well, you know the old saying – if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.
And that's what motivated me to create StockEarnings.
With this website, you now have at your fingertips all the information you need to maximize profit opportunities created by earnings announcements.
No longer will you have to struggle (like I did) to get this critical information.
StockEarnings does all the heavy lifting for you every earnings season.
I invite you to read on to discover three powerful plays that will help you make more money from earnings announcements (EA).
With these three strategies, you'll be in position to profit on stocks that tend to move very little on EA...stocks that tend to have wild price swings from EA…and stocks that fall in between.
These three strategies enabled us to make an overall return of 228.66% since Q1-2015. That handily beat the 27.27% gain the S&P 500 returned for the same period.
The first of these strategies is an options play called Volatility Rush. It works by taking advantage of the tendency of certain stocks to experience an acceleration of implied volatility (IV) in the weeks before their EA.
As you may know, IV is the market's guess about how volatile an option will be based on sentiment, which affects the premium you'll pay for that option (or collect if you're writing it).
The higher the IV, the more expensive the premium will be, as the inflated IV also inflates the value of the option.
The bottom line is you can profit from an inflated IV using the Volatility Rush Strategy.
What you do is buy a long straddle several weeks ahead of the EA, when IV is lower (a long straddle is simply buying a call and a put on the same equity with the same strike price and same expiration date).
As you get closer to that stock's EA, IV tends to go up – sometimes dramatically – typically peaking right before the EA.
Since IV typically drops like a rock immediately after an EA, you want to close your positions before that happens.
So if your stock's EA is scheduled to be pre-market, you want to close your positions the night before. If it's scheduled to be post-market, you want to close out before the end of that trading day.
Done correctly, this will allow you to capture IV at or close to the peak, giving you the chance to put easy money in your pocket.
Okay, so right now I anticipate two questions you might have:
1. How do you know which stocks to target with this strategy?
2. Exactly when do you initiate the long straddle?
The answer to the first question is you want to target stocks with plenty of volume, at least a million shares traded daily – 3 million or more is better.
(You want stocks with high volume because that ensures you'll have plenty of liquidity, as this will keep the spreads on your options low.)
You also want to make sure you have stocks whose IV have historically gone up at least 50% between 2 weeks and 2 months before the 12 previous quarterly EA.
You get this information by analyzing past data on the stocks you're considering (there are any number of web sites and charting programs that will provide you with this critical information).
This data will also help you determine when to initiate your trades. What you'll do is analyze charts of your chosen stocks to see when they have tended to begin the pre-EA rise of their IV.
It's important to realize that the time frame of this pre-EA rise of IV will be different for each stock.
As you can imagine, doing all this analysis yourself will take time.
Much of that time you'll find yourself going back and forth between various financial websites, spending hour after hour sifting…tracking…analyzing…and organizing mountains of data.
And you'll have to do all that work just to trade a single stock around earnings season.
Yes, it's a painstakingly tedious and time-consuming process.
But there's an easier way to get the information you need to profit from EA.
All you have to do is tap into StockEarnings.
StockEarnings offers a Premium Service that features a range of tools that will give you...
Stocks Screener For Earnings Here you'll get market caps, average daily volume numbers and other key information for companies scheduled to give their EA (you'll also get historical earnings to help you fine-tune your trades)
Earnings Calendar With hundreds of companies announcing earnings on the same day, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But our earnings calendar solves that problem by revealing a host of critical stock data, including predicted post-EA price moves (an invaluable piece of information that will make determining your ROI a snap).
Backtesting Tool This tool reveals the results of both 1- and 7-day directional predictions we've made for every quarter since 2015. (use it to find stocks with the tendencies you're looking for).
Directional Predictive Tool Our proprietary algorithm predicts directional stock movement emanating from earnings reactions – in other words, it suggests whether the stock will go up or down in the next regular trading session after EA (it's the closest thing to a stock market crystal ball you'll ever find). Our directional predictions has generated the return of 228.66% since Q1-2015. That handily beat the 27.27% gain the S&P 500 returned for the same period.
I could go on and on about many more ways the StockEarnings Premium Membership can help you cash in on EA, but you really need to see for yourself.
That's why I am offering you a StockEarnings Premium Membership with 60% Off!
On top of that……
As a thank-you for taking advantage of this deal TODAY, we'll give you 3 FREE bonuses that will help you make even more money from earnings announcements:
  • BONUS 1: HOW TO TRADE EARNINGS eBOOK {a $97 value}
  • BONUS 3: VIDEO Course (The Right Way To Use Options In Earnings Seasons) {a $659 value}
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But this deal expires in next 4 days - no exceptions. So go ahead and click right here to take advantage of this limited-time special offer and claim these three bonuses.
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To your trading success,
Hiral Ghelani
Founder & CEO
110 Wall Street, Suite 3014, New York, NY 10005
W: 877.6.STOCKS
P.S. Imagine the power of knowing in advance how much a stock might move after a company announces its earnings.
You'll have that power with the StockEarnings Premium Membership.
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