Leaked Data Video #2

Leaked Data Video #2:
What Few Saw Coming

Yesterday I shared the first of three videos with you, revealing the power of the "leaked data" I spent $250,000 to make accessible to people like you.

This is data that the Bureau of Labor Statistics gathers regularly, and makes public. But it does so in such a way as to make the information all but useless to you. Only those with a very specific college degree can make heads or tails of it. So I found someone like that and paid them a boat load of money to process the data into useful information.

In today's video, Rodney and I continue to explain what this data allows us to see. And even more importantly, how you can benefit from it as well.

Come back Monday to see the third of these three videos. In the meantime, if you haven't already done so, you can find more revelations from this leaked data here.


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