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How This Company's Business Plan Could Deliver a Triple Digit Gain...READ MORE
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How This Company's Business Plan Could Deliver a Triple Digit Gain

You might remember They were a company that advertised with an adorable sock puppet. They sold pet food and other supplies direct to consumers, at prices well below what consumers would pay in their local stores. And, shipping was free.


These patterns are not rocket science, but they are life-changing

As a schoolteacher, Jason Bond was $250,000 in debt, working side jobs grinding 90+ hours a week but still stuck with no hope… Until he put his passion and hunger for success into the stock market, where he learned THREE simple patterns that would forever change his life.

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Well, it turns out shipping large bags of pet food and kitty litter is expensive. The company had a business plan that recognized it lost money on every sale but somehow, the plan was to do that until the company turned a profit.

That strategy didn't work, and the company went into bankruptcy. But the business plan survived. And, as we explain in our latest article, there are still some money losing companies that are pursuing customers even at the risk of delaying profitability.

This strategy could work in the long run. However, there are risks to investing in companies that follow this business model and as we explain in our article those risks are creating a possible trading opportunity.

As usual, when we look for trades, we consider the risks first and this opportunity is no exception. We explain a trading strategy that limits risks in dollar terms, so you know exactly how many dollars you have at risk while you pursue a potential gain that could be equal to more than 100% of the amount risked.

All of the details are in our free educational article, right here.

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