"No America Without Labor"

Profit Trends

"There Is No America Without Labor"

Matthew Carr | Chief Trends Strategist | The Oxford Club

Matthew Carr
I'm not one to stand around with my hands in my pockets.

My siblings and I started working when we were quite young.

Part of it was because it was our responsibility. We worked to help support the family.

Part of it was because if we wanted comic books or video games, we knew we had to work for them.

And the things we bought were special because they were truly ours.

We had earned them. They weren't given to us.

So I can honestly say I believe in hard work more than luck.

Everything I have in this world - tangible things I can walk around and point at - was born from work.

I'm sure you and many other Americans can say the same thing. Which is why today we honor the contributions of the American worker.

We honor the strength, prosperity and overall well-being of the United States that have been forged by tens of millions of people exchanging an honest day's work for an honest wage.

This isn't merely economic. It's fundamental to our democracy and to fortifying it.

For more than 125 years, we've taken a day each September to step back and appreciate what we have as a country thanks to generations of hardworking Americans.

But it's more than that...

It's an opportunity to thank the men and women who fought and struggled to improve the lives of all those Americans, to ensure the years they offered in service were not in vain.

John F. Kennedy said, "Throughout its history, the labor movement has used its growing strength to eliminate industrial terror, sweatshops and inhuman working conditions, to give to the worker - for the first time - a voice in his own economic destiny."

Or as Abraham Lincoln simply put it, "There is no America without labor."

Idle hands didn't piece this country together. Nor did they lay the foundation.

That was accomplished by men and women who understood that hard work - whether it was on a foundry floor, in a machine shop or in a courtroom - would mean a better tomorrow.

For not just themselves and their families, but the entire country.

That's something worth celebrating.

Good investing,


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