Economy & Markets' Weekend Digest

Economy & Markets in Review

Today marks the last Saturday in September, which means we're only two weeks away from the Irrational Economic Summit, Oct. 10-12 at the National Harbor in Washington (see details here). This year's summit features a keynote address from Ronald Reagan's Budget Director David Stockman. And of course Harry, Rodney, and the rest of the Dent Research crew will be at the lectern and around the room chatting with attendees. Get more information here.

So what will Harry and Rodney be talking about? Depends on what's in the news. Based on this week, wealth disparity is in the news; Harry hit the topic twice this week, with recent reports that the median income for the upper class is 2.4 times higher than those in the middle class. But so is Bitcoin, and based on Harry's analysis, it ain't looking pretty.

Read up on all that and make sure to check out details about IES. It's an event not to be missed.


This Week in Economy & Markets...

The Wealth Effect

I predicted in 1988 forward that the massive Baby Boom generation would peak in its spending by late 2007. Simply that 46-year lag for peak spending of the average household. That happened on cue and we've been living off of accelerating QE and now tax cuts ever since to compensate. So, with such a natural...

Major Bitcoin Break Down Suggests the Same for Stocks

In our 5 Day Forecast last Monday for Boom & Bust subscribers, I highlighted two scenarios – one for stocks and one for Bitcoin – that looked imminent to break up or down sharply. Well on Tuesday, Bitcoin made its break down out of a large triangle pattern that was coming to a make or...

Girls and Boys Can Be Different

I bet you thought I was going to stomp into the minefield of gender politics with that headline, but I'm not! While I have definite views on the differences between the sexes, having raised both a son and daughters, in this instance I'm referring to something completely different… storms. Tropical Storm Imelda Wasn't Like Hurricane...

Upper Class Median Income 2.4 Times the Middle Class

Pew Research is my favorite mainstream firm, and it has just come out with results about the status of the upper, middle, and lower class in America. As you would guess, the upper class has gained ground since 1971 while the middle and lower have lost… But not as much as the top 1% and...

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