Taxes, Government Waste, and a Better Way

Taxes, Government Waste,
and a Better Way

This is an expensive week for me. Our wedding anniversary is the 14th, Tax Day is the 15th, and my youngest child’s birthday falls on the 16th.

Only two of those days make me happy.

This year I’m getting a bit of a refund, but I’ll never see it. Because my income varies, it’s hard to know how much to pay every quarter, so I usually overpay. But then my accountant just applies the refund to next year’s tax bill.

One day I want to get the check in my hand. I send so much to Uncle Sam, for once I want him to send some cash to me!

Like many Americans, I can’t help but think about where all that money goes. And I’m always a little disappointed when I find out.

The Citizens Against Government Waste publishes a book every year outlining wasteful spending. From their research I find that, in addition to national defense, the courts, and the administration of the government, I’m also helping fund $13 million for the Save America’s Treasures program, which funds renovating museums and opera houses; $16.7 million for the East-West Center in Hawaii, which works to foster better relations with Pacific and Asian nations; and $65 million to help the Pacific Coastal Salmon recovery.

These aren’t big numbers, but they definitely make you wonder.

And this year, in addition to funding things that frustrate me, I have to pay my accountant more to figure out my taxes because of the recent tax reform.

I’m not sure if my bill to the government went down, but I know my bill from the accountant will go up.

What happened to the promise of tax returns on a post card?


 “The Biggest Tax-Saving Opportunity for Americans...”

~U.S. News & World Report

Our tax experts have uncovered a little-known provision in the U.S. tax code that could hand you a tax benefit of up to $38,000 each year. Extra money you could use to take a long overdue family trip to the beaches of Hawaii... Or pay off your debt... Or pad your retirement account...The choice is yours. Click here for more details.

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