This message is from our friend Jeff Bishop at Raging Bull. It's important you read his note very carefully because it contains important information that is commonly misunderstood by people who are new to the markets..
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EDITOR'S NOTE: This message is from our friend Jeff Bishop at Raging Bull. It's important you read his note very carefully because it contains important information that is commonly misunderstood by people who are new to the markets. |  |  |  | Dear Investor,
There's a really common misconception about trading.
People think: The stock market has to go UP in order for me to make money, right?
One of the best ways to make money quickly - and reliably - is on crashing stocks.
That's how I make money, and how I've taught thousands of others to do the same.
Here's why: Fear is a more powerful motivator than greed.
Sure, when a stock goes up and your account goes further and further into the green, it's an exciting feeling! And once you get a taste, you always come back for more.
But what about that other feeling? The one in the pit of your stomach when you check your account and it's a little red... More red... OK so far in the red HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!
Cue panic selling. Just like it sounds, that's the phenomenon when people see a stock plummet and they panic and then they SELL.
This is why stocks always seem to fall faster than they rise.
And what's more: this isn't a rare phenomenon. Panic selling happens often, and no stock is safe.
I'm Jeff Bishop, founder and CEO of Raging Bull and I've made huge gains trading the markets but believe it or not, my biggest winners were on crashing stocks.
I'm hosting a FREE Training where I will show you 7 real-life examples of plummeting stocks that I profited from, and how you can do the same.
Curious? Here are screenshots of my account after trading these falling stocks:
Ok, one time and it could be luck. But seven times? That's a proven strategy.
Join my free training session and watch how I do it right here.
To Profitable Trading!
Jeff Bishop Founder & CEO
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