Do You Love or Hate the IRS?

Our Love/Hate Relationship with
the Tax Man and Real Estate

Only two things in life are certain: death and taxes.

The latter is on the mind of every U.S. citizen of tax paying age right now. Doesn’t matter where you are – on U.S. soil or on the moon – the IRS wants its money, by Monday.

Ray Dalio talked about taxes on 60 Minutes on Sunday. Harry and Rodney talked about taxes and Ray Dalio on Wednesday and Thursday. Politicians talk about it often, trying to determine which tax “angle” could win them the next election. The rest of us try to absorb the effects of the GOP’s tax cuts post-filing.

Some of us are pleased. Others not so much.

All of us hate tax season.

We have a very different relationship with real estate, although that may sour in the next few months or years. forecasts that 75% of homes sold in the second quarter this year in major U.S. markets will sell below the asking price.

Harry’s warned several times about a slow down looming in real estate, pointing to the insanity of San Francisco home prices, the impact Boomers will have on particular markets, and what Millennials are doing to the market currently. And he points to the signs of trouble from the home builders index.

As the Dark Window unfolds through 2019, it’ll lead us to some tough times. Be prepared.

This could devastate millions of Americans

According to Harvard educated economist, Harry Dent, millions of American homeowners are about to be wiped out. It all has to do with a hidden crisis silently spreading across America… one that could cut the value of your home in HALF this year! Click here to find out what it is and what to do to protect yourself.

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