Congress could help investors make a short-term gain of 100%

Multiple Political Attacks on This Sector Set Up a Possible Trade ...READ MORE
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Multiple Political Attacks on This Sector Set Up a Possible Trade

"Disney used to make hundreds of millions of dollars a year selling its stuff to Netflix," according to a report at recode. But, "now it is going to spend billions of dollars a year to try to beat Netflix.


3 Hot Marijuana Picks to Buy Now

In the first two months after California dispensaries started to legally sell recreational marijuana, companies in the cannabis industry increased by nearly $2 billion in value. And now Canada just legalized recreational marijuana. Savvy investors are already grabbing positions in these 3 picks that are set to soar.

Disney executives didn't mention Netflix once during their three-hour-plus investor presentation Thursday, at which the company laid out its plans to build up a suite of subscription streaming services — most notably Disney+, a $7-a-month service bursting with movies and TV shows. Disney+ launches in the US in November and will feature everything from Disney's recent theatrical offerings, like Captain Marvel, to classic Disney movies like Bambi, and new, original stuff like The Mandalorian, a Star Wars TV-show spinoff.

And Netflix isn't the only company Disney will be battling in the years to come; the list of competitors and would-be rivals now includes everyone from Amazon to Apple to AT&T."

This news set up an unusually attractive trading opportunity, as we explain in our latest article, and it could require risk of $107 based on recent market data that we include in the article. We explain the exact strategy and show how the news could result in a gain of more than 290%.

We have all the details on the strategy and the specific trade we identified in our latest free educational article that is available right here.

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