Are these the end times?

Are These the End Times?

News from Paris is that the likely cause of the tragic Notre Dame Cathedral fire was an electrical short circuit. The Columbine fanatic was found dead after a massive manhunt. The redacted Mueller report is public and the storm in a tea cup continues.

A New Mexico county has declared a state of emergency as immigrants continue to flood across the border, despite Trump’s best efforts.

Harry talked about all of these things on Wednesday when he explained how we’re at the tail-end of the 70-year Globe Buster. During his research, Harry has discovered that cycles build on each other every two turns. The first negative turn of the 35-year Geopolitical Cycle was harsh. This second negative turn, at the 70-year mark, has been brutal.

Thankfully, as Harry wrote, we’re nearing the end of the downturn and have a positive cycle to look forward to in the near future.

Elsewhere in Economy & Markets, Rodney talked about income inequality in light of a recent opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal on a 2015 income tax study by sociologists at Cornell and Washington University in St. Louis.

According to the study…

About 12% of the U.S. population will rank in the top 1% for at least one year; 39% in the top 5% for at least a year; 56% in the top 10%; and 73% in the top 20%. At the same time only about 0.6% of people will stay in the top 1% for 10 consecutive years.

The Journal also noted how the Tax Foundation found that half of Americans who earned more than $1 million in any year between 1999 and 2007 did so only once. Just 6% did so all nine years.

In a new talk, Harry explains why this is the case, and what you can do to improve your lot, getting up into those upper echelons and staying there. Register now to watch for free.

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