A Big Income Trade in a Niche Retailer ...READ MORE
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` | A Big Income Trade in a Niche Retailer |  | You probably have a cooler. It might be sitting in your garage or basement, but many households have one, or more, of these products. They're the kind of item that's needed sometimes, or regularly by some who are outdoors more often. [SPONSORED CONTENT] |  | Will Donald Trump Be Your Last President? A major political coup is unfolding in America that will topple Donald Trump's presidency... Only those who prepare will be able to live in peace in a new socialist America. In this video, we lay out the simple steps you can take right now to protect your assets and survive the next recession...
|  | But, of course, there are companies that make better products than others. This isn't surprising in any field. This company was founded by two brothers who shared a passion for the outdoors.
As the founders explained, "Hunting, fishing, traveling to outdoor industry trade shows with our teacher-turned-entrepreneur-father. We were raised with an appreciation for wild game, unfamiliar territory, and high-quality gear.
But the coolers available at the time just weren't up to our outdoor adventures – the handles would break, the latches would snap off, and the lids would cave in. Not only was it a hassle to replace our coolers after each season, but also these cheaply built, ordinary ice chests were limiting our good times. And that frustration led us to a solution."
That company has expanded beyond its original focus on coolers into other products such as drink tumblers, backpacks, blankets and even dog bowls.
Using recent market data, this company could be positioned to deliver a gain of more than 60% to short term traders as we explain in our latest article.
The complete details of the strategy and the specific trade idea are in our latest free educational article that is available right here.
Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running. | | | |
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