This Trade Could Gain More Than 36% in Less Than One Month ...READ MORE
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` | This Trade Could Gain More Than 36% in Less Than One Month |  | One industry is facing bad news. The RV Industry Association's December survey of manufacturers found that total RV wholesale shipments ended 2018 with 483,672 units, down (-4.1%) compared to the 504,599 units in 2017. [SPONSORED CONTENT] |  | Will Donald Trump Be Your Last President? A major political coup is unfolding in America that will topple Donald Trump's presidency... Only those who prepare will be able to live in peace in a new socialist America. In this video, we lay out the simple steps you can take right now to protect your assets and survive the next recession...
|  | The last time the industry saw a year over year decline was in 2009 and that capped three straight years of falling sales. Prior to that, sales declined year over year in 2000 and 2001. These drops were both associated with recessions.
This is an admirable track record for an economic indicator, correctly forecasting the last two recessions with no false signals. This means last year's sales carry important information for the economy and traders would be well advised to look deeper at the data.
We have identified a trade in the industry that could deliver gains in this environment. The trade, as we explain in our latest article, could deliver a gain of more than 36% in less than a month. The total risk, in dollar terms, is less than $365 based on actual recent market data.
Limiting risk so precisely does require options strategies and we walk through the strategy in detail so both beginning and advanced traders can consider the pros and cons of this trading opportunity.
We have details on the trading strategy and the specific details on the trade in our latest free educational article that is available right here.
Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running. | | | |
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