A Strategy to Generate Significant Short-Term Income...READ MORE
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A Strategy to Generate Significant Short-Term Income
Based on recent market prices, this trade could generate immediate income that is equal to 45% of the capital at risk. The trade will actually result in a credit to your brokerage account the same day the position is opened. High levels of immediate income could be appealing to many investors at a time when interest rates remain near historic lows.
This strategy also uses a relatively small amount of capital. That could be appealing to investors with smaller account balances or with a desire to develop diversified income streams. The strategy in this trade could benefit from prices moving up or down so that adds to the appeal of diversification.
You might be wondering if this type of income is actually attainable. We base our calculations on actual market prices that were available when we wrote the article. These are real market prices that were recently available rather than hypothetical examples.
This is a strategy that relies on options on stocks, but the risks of the trade are strictly limited, and they are known, in precise dollar terms, when the trade is opened, as we explain in our recent article. What that means is that you can enter the trade in your broker's system and know the expected income and precise risk before you submit the order.
You can find the details in our latest free educational article that is available right here.
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