Look beyond the election

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Look Beyond the Election

By Bill Bonner

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – Week 34 of the Quarantine

Bill Bonner

SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – People are often reluctant to tell the truth. They will tell a pollster, for example, what they think he wants to hear… or what makes them appear smart and educated.

They know the elite regard Donald Trump as an evil clown, who only appeals to dumbells. So they say they’re voting for Biden.

Then, in the privacy of the voting booth, they pull the lever for Trump.

That’s probably what happened in 2016. Will it happen again today?

We will know soon enough.

Not Normal

Many people seem to think that this election is the most important one since Abraham Lincoln beat Democratic Party candidate Stephen Douglas in 1860.

We doubt it.

Lincoln and Douglas may have had irreconcilable differences; this time, both Republicans and Democrats have the same goal – one that is irreconcilable with reality.

That is, both are desperate to prevent “normal” from happening.

The stock market is not normally propped up by a central bank.

Government does not normally spend twice as much as it receives in taxes.

“Printing press money” is not normally a substitute for the real thing.

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The elite of both parties depend on a fantasy for their fortunes, their power, and their status. Without the feds’ fake money, the stock market would fall… bonds would collapse… the elite wouldn’t be so rich… and the feds wouldn’t be able to spend so much money.

The Swamp would dry up. People would get back to work and save money. And the economy would – after a difficult period of adjustment – gradually go back to “normal.”

That would be a “stimulus” program that really worked!

Beyond the Election

But that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Biden’s team is as eager to keep the jig up as the Trump bunch.

So the fakeness – spending fake money on things we shouldn’t be doing anyway… including wars, bailouts, boosting stock prices, paying people not to work, and filling The Swamp – will continue… unabated.

And the U.S. dollar – the weak link in the whole kinky system – will break.

Yes, Dear Reader, it’s time to look beyond the election. It’s time to think about what will happen to the economy… and to our money.

And since our money is mostly in dollars, we depend on the greenback as a panda depends on bamboo shoots.

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Our pensions are quoted in it. Our insurance programs are based on it. Our savings… our assets… our retirements – all depend on the integrity of the post-1971, faith-based (fake) U.S. dollar.

And here, we offer a hint… a soupçon… of what is coming.

Most likely, the pollsters are right this time. Trump will lose. Then, the Biden Team – taking over a country that is already racing towards a calamitous crisis – will step on the gas!

That will mean more spending… more money-printing… more dollars… and, inevitably, a fall in the dollar’s value.

But it hardly matters. We need to look on the bright side… the glass half full… the opportunity in the middle of the crisis.

After all, que sera, sera. We cannot fight it. And we don’t want to join it (we think it is headed over a cliff). So we have to look out for ourselves and enjoy a cheery jaunt to Hell.

Trade of the Decade

Which brings us to our Trade of the Decade. If we could only make one trade – buy one thing, sell another – to protect ourselves until the end of 2030… what would it be?

Asking colleagues Dan Denning, Tom Dyson, and Chris Mayer for suggestions has already produced some interesting ideas.

On the “sell” side, the choice is fairly obvious – we want to “sell” the U.S. dollar. It is the cornerstone of the whole fantasy finance system… the world’s most overrated asset… and the most likely to lose value over the next decade.

It has already lost 96% of its value (measured in gold) since it was introduced 49 years ago. Most likely, it will lose the rest of it in the years ahead.

That means, first and foremost, we should get rid of anything that gives a fixed stream of income in dollars.

But what do we put on the buy side? We don’t know yet, but our colleagues suggest we take a careful look at the energy sector.

What sector is the worst performer so far this year – down 50%? Which has taken a worse beating from the coronavirus… as travel has slowed to a crawl?

And who isn’t sure that the world is heating up… and that it will have to turn away from oil?

Doesn’t France already have its “transition” (from fossil fuels to solar/wind/etc.) underway? Didn’t California’s governor outlaw gasoline-powered autos after 2035? Aren’t we all going to be driving electric cars 20 years from now?

Isn’t the Biden team going to push for a Green New Deal?

Shouldn’t we sell oil… and invest in solar power plants… and Tesla?

But wait. Doesn’t the world economy still need oil… with no plausible substitute to take its place?

And isn’t the Green New Deal irreconcilable with reality?

Is it normal for a government to tell people what kind of energy they can use?

Shouldn’t we bet against the Green New Deal?

Stay tuned…




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An Economic Guide for the Election
It’s election day in the United States and millions of Americans have already cast their ballots. If you haven’t yet voted, here’s a breakdown of each candidate’s stance on economic issues, ranging from jobs to taxes to economic growth. After all, says Bill, it’s time to think about the economy… and our money…

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Mixed views from Dear Readers today following Monday’s missive, “What Tomorrow’s Vote Will Change”…

Bill, with this article, you really nailed it!!! For those who complained that you don’t offer solutions, this was it!! In about 125 words (more or less), beginning with the paragraph, “Stop printing fake money...” and ending with “ ...making way for new, healthy enterprises,” you provided a comprehensive, no-nonsense solution to our country’s situation.

Everything that needs to be done is there in those few words. Many thanks for presenting it so clearly and succinctly.

– George B.

Bill, I disagree with you that nothing will change regardless of election outcome. I do believe that if the President wins, you should offer an economic plan that brings these solutions to his attention. If you can resist your typical assault via “mock, ridicule, belittle, insult, satirize, whine, and grouse,” and present your case with tact, aplomb, and appropriate humility, we very well might save civilization.

I do not underestimate either you or the President. Please consider. And if President Trump wins re-election, I hope you will reach out to the White House to articulate and present how we can “make America even greater than has been envisioned.”

– Frank M.

While another Dear Reader calls out Bill on his use of the “Royal ‘We’”… and gives his prediction on today’s U.S. presidential election…

Bill, I find it interesting that you refer to yourself as “we.” Are you a Gemini? I observe the spectacle of the U.S. election as a Canadian citizen, concerned not only about the future of the U.S. but about the entire world seemingly being steered toward socialism and communism.

My sense is that many Americans who face the decision of choosing a leader do not care for the personality of President Trump but will vote for him as the best alternative to take on the Deep State, corrupt politicians, the mainstream media, and now the censoring social media. He can do this because he has not been bought. I am not an American or a trained pollster but, from my observation point, it looks like a win for Trump – maybe even a landslide.

– Daryl H.

Is the entire world being steered toward socialism and communism, as Daryl believes? Is Trump the “best alternative” for the U.S. presidency? Write us at feedback@rogueeconomics.com.


Controversial: Why A Biden Presidency Could Accelerate Second Wave

If national polls can be believed, Joe Biden will become the next U.S. President.

While controversial, the firm that called the EXACT PEAK of the Dot Com boom just issued another major prediction

One that will accelerate should Biden win come November.

If you've got money invested in the market – and especially in popular tech stocks – this is CRITICAL information ahead of the coming election…

Watch the Video.


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