Credit Suisse? Think again

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The Startup Investor

Dear Reader,

Hundreds of Swiss banks are probably eating their words right now...

And I imagine Credit Suisse won't be pleased by the news.

Here's the thing - Switzerland's banking industry has long been known to safeguard wealth.

That's why the Swiss are quick to pick up on the latest, greatest, and what they deem as the safest alternatives out there.

In fact, Swiss residents can now pay taxes with this alternative currency.

And as one of the world's most advanced free market economies, Switzerland's leap toward this unconventional banking method could weigh in as a heavy win for some.

Already, some of these "specific-use coins" have jumped a stunning 23,032%...

In less than a quarter.

And for the folks who were paying attention... well, they could've ended the quarter wading in a pool of exceptional wealth.

I'm talking about the rare occurrence to watch $5,000 turn into $1 million.

Listen, "Swiss Banking" became a household name centuries ago, but the shifting tides of money are unfolding as we speak...

But as the world enters this new age...

Where will you stand?

Continue reading...


Mike Ward
Publisher, Angels & Entrepreneurs


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