All NEW Way to Trade: “Penny Trades”.. | 26 September

September 27, 2021

Top Investor Daily

Here's a special message from our partners that we thought you'd like:

Previously reserved for billionaires like Warren Buffett and George Soros, "Penny Trades" have become available to everyday Americans thanks to an obscure loophole in SEC Rule 30.52.

Click here to see the full details on this SEC Rule

SEC Rule

So now, anyone with a simple brokerage account can easily buy and sell them.

And we call them Penny Trades because they can cost so little to make. They can cost 25¢…10¢ and even as little as 1¢ a pop.

Because of this, you can grab hundreds or even thousands of them for less than a few hundred dollars. Surprisingly, these trades have absolutely no connection to options.

Investment legend Warren Buffett has made a $12 billion windfall on one transaction using the idea behind this strategy.

Buffett later made another trade, where he acquired 46 million shares for 1¢ apiece. His position has since risen as much as forty-four times over.

On top of that, insiders at household name investment firms have also played these off-radar "Penny Trades." For example, Fidelity's secret insider fund, F Prime, initiated a position in online retailer Alibaba.

That position increased by 971 times, while the highest Alibaba's public stock rose was little more than a triple.

The big catch is that the 32 million Main Street clients of Fidelity didn't have access to this play. Only the executives did.

So, it seems that "Penny Trades" have been kept from the investing public – and kept for the likes of Warren Buffett and financial executives.

Click here to see what Buffett and these Wall Street execs have been doing with their money.

But now, thanks to that SEC loophole, anyone can buy or sell these "Penny Trades" right from their kitchen table.

Unfortunately, few everyday investors even know what these "Penny Trades" are. So even fewer have placed them.

That's a shame because the Wall Street Journal calls these investments "high-octane…like winning a lottery ticket." While Barrons said they're "a good opportunity for nimble investors."

And that's why America's #1 Penny Trader, Dave Forest, an ex-insider, has just taped a tell-all video that reveals the full story behind this strange technique.

Dave has extensive expertise with this because he has founded companies that issued this same type of private investment.

In fact, Dave has already shared this story with a small group of everyday Americans.

Roger, a retired truck driver from North Carolina, said, "That's by far the best result in my 30+ years of investing."

If you're interested in these strange "Penny Trades" … and if you have anything in the stock market, I urge you to watch this video.

I guarantee it will open your eyes.

Click here to watch this short video report.

Video Report

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