2 Stocks Set to Profit off Biden's Big Infrastructure Spending Plan

Published: August 8, 2021

Roger Scott: 2 Stocks
Set to Profit off Biden's
Big Infrastructure
Spending Plan

It's no secret that a key part of President Joe Biden's agenda calls for $550 billion in new spending that'll be earmarked for improving the nation's roads, bridges, waterworks and electric grid over the next five years. 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves...

The bill was just finalized, so it still has to make its way through an evenly split Senate and Democrat-leaning House, where some on the left aren't too happy with the terms.  

We don't know all of the specifics, but there are going to be major infrastructure expenditures, and some stocks are already starting to account that into their valuation, which typically drives price. 

Do you remember the old phrase "buy the rumor, sell the news?" Well, it's going to be a while before the bill gets ironed out. But until then, I've found a few stocks set to take off...

Play Biden's Big Spending

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Roger's Radar: 3
Pullback Stocks as Strong
Jobs Report Increases
Fear of Fed Tapering

Stocks were mixed Friday as investors awaited the jobs report from the U.S. Department of Labor. Analysts expected 900,000 jobs to have been added in July, and an unemployment rate of 5.7%. The report showed more jobs added and a lower unemployment rate than expected. 

Investors continue to factor in potential Federal Reserve bond tapering — which means less stimulus. So right now, I've focused on three low-risk pullbacks offering potential upside. 

In this video, you'll learn why this past week's Fed data is vitally important… whether stocks are ready to soar or drop… which sectors are fragmented the most… and which stocks traders should target now.

Take Advantage of These Pullbacks

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Want to Join the Daily Profit Challenge?

Anyone who has heard of Future of Wealth Head Trader Lance Ippolito's BlitzAlerts method probably gets the basics: 

  1. Wait for the Shadow Blitz.

  2. Place a trade before the market closes.

  3. Cash out!

When Lance was on Wall Street, he found that unusual trades were constantly being placed right before a massive overnight runup.

But they can happen way faster.

Tomorrow Is a Long Ways Away

2 Financial Stocks,
1 REIT and My Top Sector Picks

August 4, 2021

In this video, you'll learn important price action to watch for in bonds… the top sector to buy and weakest sector to fade… and the top stocks on my radar offering low-risk profit potential.    

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Brush off COVID-19 Fears With These 2 Software Stocks

August 4, 2021

In this video, I thought I'd walk my viewers through two names that were actually top picks and winners during the first wave.  

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