This is preheader text. Some clients will show this text as a preview. Options Weekly Trades & Tips | |  | | Your Weekly Options Forecast | | Another week of new all time market highs. Given the news cycle world wide right now with the pandemic numbers sky rocketing and more shut downs being announced it's amazing how well this market has hung in there. We are now seeing some extreme overbought conditions. While that doesn't mean price has to reverse immediately, it does mean a more cautious approach is a smart approach. Here's what happens next... | |  | | How To Trade Iron Condors With Options | | What if you believe the market is doing to stay in a sideways range and not go anywhere. This is where the Iron Condor comes in. With a credit spread we will have 5 ways of making money on the trade. When selling an Iron Condor, we make money if the stock moves up, down, or sideways as long as the stock stays between the strike prices of the call and put options that we sold to open the trade. Find Out When To Use These In Your Trading | | | |  | | When To Close Your Options Trade | | Knowing when to close out of a trade can be challenging when the markets are constantly moving back and forth. Holding on to a trade too long or not long enough can lead to inconsistent returns. When buying long call or long put options the key to remember is you are holding a ticking time bomb. | | | | How To Place Trades Tutorials... | | | | Subscribe To Our Free Youtube Trading Tips Channel | | | | | Follow Us. | | Keep up-to-date on the latest Active Trading Strategies and Tips. Options - Stocks - Futures - Forex | | | | | | | | |
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