Become a 'Rich Man' in a 'New Frontier of Finance'

A few weeks ago, Crypto Capital editor Eric Wade asked his subscribers about their experiences with his newsletter in general... along with details about any specific results they've had since joining. The response was overwhelming...
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Become a 'Rich Man' in a 'New Frontier of Finance'

By Corey McLaughlin

A few weeks ago, Crypto Capital editor Eric Wade asked his subscribers a few questions...

Basically, Eric wanted to hear about his subscribers' experiences with his newsletter in general... along with details about any specific results they've experienced since joining.

The response was overwhelming. We heard from folks who said they've made anywhere from a few thousand dollars to a few million dollars on Eric's recommendations over the past few years.

The overall glowing tone of the feedback didn't surprise us... After all, regular DailyWealth readers know Eric is our go-to source for everything about cryptos.

But the number of responses that came in is what impressed me the most. Mostly everyone explained that Eric's work had changed their perception of crypto investments and expressed their gratitude for signing up for the service. Here's what Robert B. wrote...

My prior experience has been and still is in commodities. However, while I was learning about [bitcoin] and blockchain, I eventually understood how crypto is going to impact our lives and eventually change the world. I knew I could not stand by and watch... I had to be involved.

However, at my age (65), I found that getting involved in crypto was not as easy as I had thought. I did not know of anyone that was invested in crypto and therefore I had no one to discuss it with. That in part is why I joined Crypto Capital. During my initial learning period, I spoke with customer service on three separate occasions, each time the staff was very helpful and professional.

For the first four or five weeks, I took Eric's advice and learned about the different types of Crypto, Exchanges, Wallets and the necessary security measures needed. I purchased my first Crypto the end of November 2020. By mid-May [of this year], my portfolio had increased by a factor of 7.5, I had pulled my hard money out of 1/2 the positions and collected a $170k in realized gains.

On the other end of things, one relatively young subscriber, Aristotle M., said he made enough money in Eric's recommendations to be able to leave his job at age 29... and follow his dream of launching his own investment advisory firm.

We don't want to get sappy, but it's truly meaningful to read messages like these...

This is why we do the work that we do. There's just not enough people in this world providing the type of independent financial research we would want if our roles were reversed.

We know the need exists... and we're happy to do it.

To have a person like Eric on our team is something we're very proud of. He takes the time to research and explain the ins and outs (and, yes, the risks) of a new, innovative technology like cryptocurrencies and blockchain to everyday people.

Eric is a rare breed, as his subscribers can attest...

We only know one person who bought the domain name before most people knew about the power of the Internet and sold it for $1 million... and he's it.

We also only know one person who used to work as a certified financial manager at Merrill Lynch, helping people with their retirement planning through traditional stock and bond advice... and is now "all in" on cryptos... and he's it.

So when Eric has some new information to share with the masses, we almost feel obligated to pay attention and pass it on to our readers... That's especially true when he's saying that he has now come up with something that is the culmination of his life's work.

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By now, you know it's not terribly easy to become a "rich man," so to speak...

We're referring to the idea of becoming truly rich, in a financial sense. To me, that means you don't really need money any more in the way that most people do. And it means that you understand money can't buy you happiness... but that it can provide you the freedom to do what you want.

We've used the term "rich man" before, most recently in the September 9, 2020 Digest, citing its use by the former financial-newsletter writer Richard Russell.

Russell was a noted contrarian... Among other things, he started recommending gold in the 1960s and called the end of a bull market two months before the 1987 stock market crash.

One of his most famous essays is "Rich Man, Poor Man." In it, he said that while predicting the direction of the stock or bond market can certainly help you make money, truly wealthy investors know about a few more important fundamental secrets to getting rich...

Specifically, Russell talked about why it's crucial to make money on the money you have already... how best to do it... and why this idea makes the difference between being a "little guy" and a "rich man."

Russell talks about the fundamentals of basic finance (if you want to be rich) in that essay...

Save more than you spend, then invest the rest in something that will appreciate in value (or compound) over time... beat whatever interest you're paying on your debts... and ideally, in terms of today, beat inflation, too.

On balance, if your money is making more of a return than your expenses are eating away at your nest egg, you'll be much wealthier over time than you were when you started out.

That brings us to the important question... Where can you put your money today in order to become a "rich man"?

It's hard...

Stocks are more expensive today than they've been in most of modern market history. The chances of them returning the same ol' 10% a year over the next decade aren't that great.

Bonds are paying 1% or 2% interest... if you're lucky. For most people, banks are simply becoming a place to have a liquid checking account rather than making any significant amount of interest.

And currently (although we don't know for how much longer), inflation is running higher than it has in years... That could be troubling for those folks living on a fixed income.

Plus, there's only so many times it makes sense to refinance a mortgage... and real estate prices just keep on climbing (good for homeowners, harder for homebuyers).

We talked a lot about this scenario in the June 19 Weekend Edition, which prepped readers for our colleague Dr. David "Doc" Eifrig's recent retirement "wake-up call" event. While Doc didn't get too much into cryptos during it, he does acknowledge the place and use for them within a well-diversified portfolio – if you have someone you know you can trust to make recommendations, of course.

That's where Eric comes in...

Next week, Eric is hosting what he's calling our first-ever "Crypto Cash Summit"...

If you've been racking your brain for alternatives to the monetary nonsense going on in Washington... the often antiquated and slow-to-adapt financial system... and assets that will pay you less than you're paying on a mortgage payment... Eric might have your answer.

He says the concept of decentralized cryptocurrencies exists as a way to "opt out" of it all.

We always go back to the original "whitepaper" that made bitcoin famous... It was published back in 2008 by the pseudonymous inventor Satoshi Nakamoto. He described bitcoin as a "peer to peer" electronic cash transfer system with no middleman.

Today, that's exactly what we see continuing to grow...

We're not talking about bitcoin becoming the world's "reserve currency" in the traditional sense, as has been debated. Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology aren't traditional.

That's the point.

Every day it seems, new technologies are becoming more widely available that allow folks to directly lend money, in the form of cryptos, to each other – to essentially be the bank themselves – and to put their money to work.

As with anything, though, it's for better or worse...

For a few years now, we've talked about "stablecoins" that offer 8% interest on your U.S. dollar deposits, for example. And today, a growing number of coins offer yields – some higher, some lower than that.

Importantly, though, this interest rate will beat even most folks' highest inflation expectations today.

Of course, with anything, you must keep the risks in mind...

We don't recommend you dive into this space blindly. Anything that offers a high yield is doing so for a reason, which is key to understand if you want to be a "rich man," too.

The point is, there's a right way to play the crypto game...

And Eric knows it better than anyone else we know. Since the start of 2020 alone, he has closed out seven different positions that could have helped his subscribers make 1,000% to 2,100% gains or more.

And the skepticism surrounding cryptos today, following their big sell-off earlier this year, is exactly why the space is such a great opportunity.

In short, what Eric sees unfolding has the potential to make you life-changing, "rich man" gains in this new frontier of finance...

All the best,

Corey McLaughlin

Editor's note: On Wednesday, July 21 at 8 p.m. Eastern time, Eric plans to reveal how to generate annual income of 10% to 35% in cryptos outside of bitcoin or Ethereum. Barely anyone has heard of Eric's under-the-radar crypto picks... But they can earn you "rich man" gains outside of the traditional financial system. If you've been looking for alternative "safe havens" against rising inflation, you need to tune into Eric's event. Save your spot right here.

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