Options vs. buy-and-hold? Our approach found 16 doubles in 2020...

You can't gain financial security by playing it safe.
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Will 2021 be the year you secure your financial future?

Some people try to gain security by playing it safe their whole lives.

But that's not how it really works in most cases.

Because even when you play it safe, you've got to take some risks, and things have to go just right, for everything to work out in retirement.

We've all seen the same stories about the "secret millionaires" who bought Coca-Cola stock during the Great Depression and held on for decades... or maybe they've owned a piece of Wal-Mart since it went public.

Maybe they're Ray Kroc's nephew's wife's cousin's neighbor, and they got a few shares of McDonald's back before franchised fast food was a big thing. These long-shot long-term investors are outliers among outliers. Few of us are ever so lucky.

And even the best buy-and-hold investors can be wrong most of the time.

For every early-stage Coca-Cola, for every McDonald's and Wal-Mart IPO, there are probably hundreds or even thousands of total busts and "just-good-enough" investments that don't really secure a darn thing.

Securing your future with buy-and-hold strategies can be agonizing.

Think about everyone who bought Tesla shares years ago.

How many still hold those shares? How many of them can't help checking their portfolios every morning and every night?

One of my good friends is a "Tesla-naire."

He can't sleep. He's losing his hair, gaining weight, stressing out every day. He can't stop watching that ticker. His financial future seems secure... but he's not happy, and he probably won't be, as long as Tesla keeps bouncing around day after day.

Security doesn't mean much if you can only gain it at the expense of your mental and physical health. You can't stress your way into security, Trader.

That's why I prefer options trading. The shorter my holding period, the better.

At Weekly Options Trader, our subscribers get 6+ great trade ideas every month, with a typical holding period of 7 trading days or less.

In 2020, Weekly Options Trader recommended 16 trades that doubled our members' money. Another 5 of them gained at least 50%.

Join Weekly Options Trader...
Secure 36 months of access
91% off our standard annual subscription rate!
Click here to claim your membership while it lasts!

It often takes Weekly Options Trader subscribers less time to read our trade alert updates, log into their brokerage accounts, and execute their trades each week, than it does to wait in line at the drive-through for a Starbucks latte or to order groceries on Instacart.

And you know what?

If you subscribe to Weekly Options Trader today, you'll get access for less than the cost of a daily drive-through latte.

I've knocked the subscription cost down from our typical $1,495 yearly rate...

To just $149... for 3 years.

That's right - Weekly Options Trader can be yours for less than $10 a month!

That's what, two lattes a month?

And here's the best part, Trader...

With Weekly Options Trader, you'll be able to afford plenty of lattes.

Weekly Options Trader subscribers have had plenty of opportunities to pay for their favorite splurges lately, thanks to the 16 double-your-money trades we found in 2020.

Trading options keeps your emotional stakes low.

With options, you can anticipate my upside and my downside, and manage both, in far less time than it takes to see the real benefits of any buy-and-hold strategy.

I've been helping traders like you manage their upside, downside, and emotional stakes since 1981. At Schaeffer's, we're dedicated to one thing - bringing you profitable trade ideas as often as you need, and giving you a faster pathway to gains (with a whole lot less stress) than you'll get from buy-and-hold.

Act Now!

I'll see you inside.

To your wealth,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Divider Bar

Let's inaugurate a new era for your portfolio,
with 6+ chances to double your money
every month...for 36 months!

Weekly Options Trader can help you find profitable trades
in any political atmosphere... now at our lowest price ever!

It's the end of an era, Trader... the Trump era, that is.

I'm not here to tell you how to feel about that.

Because I'm not a political guy. I'm a markets guy.

So I am here to tell you, right now...

When you're an experienced trader, it doesn't matter who's in the White House.

High taxes, low taxes, extreme regulations or free-wheeling unfettered capitalism...

It doesn't matter. We've seen all kinds of political environments over the past 100 years, and the overall market trend has marched in one direction: up, up, up.

But (there's always a but) ...

If you don't approach your trading with smarts and systems, you might as well be throwing darts at the Wall Street Journal.

Act Now!

Without smarts, systems, and common sense, you can still lose your shirt in the strongest bull market. Just ask Long-Term Capital Management. It had the smarts, with multiple Nobel Prize winners. It had the systems. It still turned into a multibillion-dollar bust in 1998, in the middle of a historic bull market that wouldn't stop for another year and a half.

Common sense keeps you safe. LTCM traded common sense for extreme leverage.

They made billions and lost billions. I had a front-row seat to that drama in 1998, and I'm still here, 23 years later. Those Nobel Prize winners and billionaires are long gone, cautionary footnotes in financial history. You know why?

I'm not a Nobel Prize winner, but I trust my systems, because I know they work. I also don't give up common sense strategies for short-term returns.

That's how my Weekly Options Trader service managed to find 16 trades that doubled our members' money, and another 5 trades that produced gains of at least 50%.

Ideas like...

  • Zoom - bought calls March 16, sold on March 20 for 109% gains.
  • Wynn - bought puts March 26, sold on March 30 for 101% gains.
  • Zoom (again) - calls on April 6, sold April 14 for a 109% gain...
  • ... and we also sold Zoom calls on April 21 for a 104% gain.
  • ConocoPhillips - bought puts on May 12, sold on May 14 for a 112% gain.
  • Akamai calls on June 30, sold on July 2 for 137% gains...
  • ... and we sold the rest of our Akamai calls on July 8 for 127% gains.
  • Pinduoduo calls on July 24, sold July 31 for a 130% gain.
  • Akamai calls bought (again) on Aug. 13, sold Aug. 28 for a 120% gain.
  • Overstock calls, bought Sep. 4 and sold Sep. 10 for a 115% gain.
  • Overstock calls (again), bought Nov. 17 and sold Nov. 23 for a 104% gain.
  • Canopy Growth calls, bought Nov. 23, sold Dec. 1 for 101% gains.
  • Blink Charging calls, bought Dec. 4 and sold Dec. 8 for 111% gains...
  • ... and our remaining Blink calls shot up by 287% by the time we sold on Dec. 18!
  • Calls on First Solar, bought on Dec. 15 and sold Dec. 22 for 225% gains!
  • ... we closed out our First Solar position at year-end for another 210% gain, too.

The next big winner could be on its way to subscribers' inboxes right now. The only way to find out is to join Weekly Options Trader today.

Act Now!

This week, I'm making it easier than ever to join Weekly Options Trader.

Yesterday, it would've cost you $1,495 a year to subscribe.

(We also have recurring monthly subscriptions for $195 a month, or quarterly subscriptions billed at $495 a month. But this deal is better...)

Today, you can lock in your annual Weekly Options Trader subscription for just $149...

And to top it off, you'll get 2 additional years of access, for free!

For $149 you'll get access to 6+ trade ideas a month, for 36 months.

These trades will work in any political environment.

I know, because I've been a trader since 1981. My subscribers have made money during the presidencies of Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, W. Bush, Obama, and Trump... and they'll still be making money through Biden and beyond, too.

There's opportunity here for both sides... and for everyone stuck in the middle, too.

Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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