Trader, Do you support small businesses, or own one? Well, it's Small Business Saturday. Today's the day we support our local entrepreneurs, startup hustlers, big dreamers, and multigenerational enterprises. Many of our subscribers are small business owners. By most measures, Schaeffer's is a small business, too. We've built deep ties to the small business community. So today, I'd like to give back to entrepreneurs and small business owners everywhere. Heck, you can get in on this even if you don't have your own business... Because I'm offering lifetime access to our Premium Trader options service today... for only $295. We've been in business since 1981. We've been a multi-generational family business for a long time. I hope we'll continue helping investors until 2081 and beyond. What this means is... You could gain access to Premium Trader for decades, for only $295. Wanna know why you should, Trader? We've got an 83% win rate over the past 12 months. I'll make a commitment to you today: Premium Trader subscription is our only service backed by an 80% win-rate guarantee. If you sign up today, 8 in 10 options trades we'll send you between now and next Thanksgiving will be profitable. I'm sticking my neck out with this guarantee... Because the best investors are rarely right more than 60% of the time. But it's a bit different with options trades. You won't hold them for years. In fact, we expect you'll close out your Premium Trader options recommendations within 8 weeks of your initial puts or calls. Many recs will be closed out within 2 weeks. Options are great opportunities to take profit from "weird" markets. And we all know 2020 has been a really weird year. Not for Premium Trader subscribers, though. Because every trade rec we've sent out, since the first lockdowns started in March, has been profitable. We've made 17 recommendations since our AMD puts on March 25 (up 17% in 3 weeks)... and Premium Trader subscribers have taken their profit 17 times. Most of our recs offer easy-to-follow trade ideas in stocks you already know and love. Like... ✅ Microsoft (up 20% in 3 weeks) ✅ Walmart (up 13% in 3 weeks) ✅ Carvana (up 17% in 4 weeks) ✅ Clorox (up 15% in 4 weeks) ✅ Micron (up 15% in 3 weeks) These are only a few winning trades our Premium Trader subscribers made in the early days of the pandemic. It's proof that you can profit from uncertainty... with our help.  If I'm being honest, I don't know what the future holds for any of us. Last Thanksgiving, I never would've predicted that "worldwide pandemic" would be the biggest story of 2020. The pandemic hasn't been kind to many small businesses. I've known friends, family members, neighbors, and community leaders who've had to shut their business' doors because of this pandemic. Some have been shut forever. Unfortunately, many small business owners invest so much of themselves (and their money) into their businesses that they don't have enough left to diversify. Diversification is a critical way to build defensible wealth. It's the kind of wealth that can't be crushed by COVID, or election insecurity, or nationwide riots, or social media "cancel culture" ... or whatever, really. The kind of wealth you can build through intelligent investments and savvy trades. The kind of wealth that escapes most traders, because they're not sure where to start, what to buy, or how long to hold their options. I'd like to help you figure all that stuff out Trader... for life. For only $295. Premium Trader is normally available for $1,295 per year. If you only use one year of Premium Trader, you'll be saving 77% off our list price Use it for two years and you'll save 88%. After five years, you'll have saved 95%! You could buy a Premium Trader subscription for your children today. Over their lifetimes, they could potentially enjoy thousands of profitable trades... and the value of that subscription will only grow with time. Ordinarily, 10 years of subscription fees would cost $12,950. That's enough for a down payment on a starter home, in some places. Most small businesses don't even start with $12,950 in capital. But over 10 years, you could make enough from your Premium Trader lifetime subscription to self-fund the growth of multiple small businesses. And who knows what opportunities you might enjoy in 15, 25, or 50 years' time? But you've got to start today. Because this lifetime deal won't be around forever. We're offering it through this Monday, and that's it. $1,295 a year... or $295 for a lifetime? Especially with an 80% win rate? You need to get this deal and start diversifying your income, whether you're a driven small-business owner or a trader looking for new ideas. Profitably yours, Bernie Schaeffer Chairman & CEO Schaeffer's Investment Research 1-800-448-2080 1-513-589-3800 International P.S... Small Business Saturday ends at midnight. Click here to claim your lifetime subscription today! |