Revealed: How to Trade Options In 5 Minutes A Month

With the market near all time highs, I am begging you to use my "five minutes a month" options strategy to supercharge your returns. Here's how...
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Dear Trader,

Here's a taste of what it's like to be a subscriber to Expiration Week Countdown.

Each month, on the Monday of options expiration week you open your email.

In your inbox you will see a message from the night before containing your six trades for the month.

Coffee in hand, you log into your brokerage account after the market opens and place your six trades.

These are all basic puts and calls - no complex math or multi-pronged "iron butterfly" strategies.

Since my team gives you the exact entry price and contract to trade, there is zero room for "user error."

You place the trades (takes about 5 minutes) and you're done.

Then you're off to the office, walk the dog, read the news, or however you like to spend a nice Monday morning.

Over the next few trading days, as the stock market does its thing, the prices will oscillate and with any luck several of these trades will hit our "sell zone."

At this point, you exit the trade and you're done until next month.

No guesswork.

No message boards.

No need to glue yourself to CNBC.

This is because Expiration Week Countdown works by exploiting patterns that are baked into the formulas that drive the options market.

I'll explain more about how this works later.

But first, take a look at just a few of our recent trading wins:

Recent Expiration Week Countdown Wins

Now if these types of returns look good to you... in the immortal words of Frank Sinatra, the best is yet to come.

That's because a series of political and market risks (combined with tech earnings season) is poised to send volatility through the roof - and take your profits with it.

If you'd like us to rush you your next six trades ahead of the October 16 options expiration, just click the button below:

Act Now!

How To Profit With The Market Near All-Time Highs

Now, don't get me wrong.

Traditional "buy and hold" investing has a place in many portfolios.

But, personally, I prefer to devote my time to scouring the market for huge, fast options winners...

...especially when the market is trading near all-time highs.

This way, my money is only exposed to the market for a handful of trading days each month.

And I am positioned to keep making money as the market rips higher.

OR if there is unexpected volatility to the downside, I can quickly take advantage with puts.

Here's another "real world" example.

If you took our September recommendation on Square calls, you could have turned an investment of $811 into $1,635 - in just ONE trading day.

If you had gone in with bigger size, of course, you would now be sitting on $4,120, $8,240, or even more in pure profit.

And - with all this volatility on the horizon - October is shaping up to be a "target rich environment" unlike anything in recent memory.

But you need to get set up today. Why?

These aren't the kind of trades that you can place anytime you like.

They absolutely must be executed at the market open on Monday of options expiration week.

This is because you need to take advantage of the "clearance sale" on options that happens early in the week before they expire.

Get in too early and you won't get the low entry prices you need for max profits. Get in too late and you could miss the move entirely.

So please don't delay... Claim your spot right now!

The usual price is $1,495 per year, but you can still get in at the incredible price of $295 -- AND I'll throw in your lifetime upgrade at no extra cost.

So click here to receive your first 6 trades this Sunday and target some serious profits in just 5 days or less.


Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Divider Bar

Dear Trader,

Bernie Schaeffer here.

Let me get right to the point.

The options expiration that will occur on October 16 is setting up a "perfect storm" of volatility...

... a surge that could usher in explosive options opportunities unlike anything in recent years.

In fact, I believe the October 16 options expiry is one of the top 1 or 2 percent best trading setups I've seen in my 40 years in the market.

Periods of market upheaval like these are exactly when a small options trading account can balloon in size to the six-figure range -- or beyond -- in just a handful of trading sessions.

Let me explain.

A series of events are coming together to form what I'm calling:


Let's start with the basics.

This month's options will expire on October 16th.

As expiration date approaches, option contract prices drop.


This is because options are based on share price movements over time, AKA volatility.

Less time left for the underlying share price to move means less chance for volatility. This leads to falling options prices.

If you've been sitting on contracts for weeks or months, this is usually bad news. It means the options that you bought for $5, $10 or $15 are heading downhill.

...unless there is a sudden spike in volatility.

And here is where it gets interesting.

When a volatility jump occurs near options expiration you have a chance to score huge, quick wins.

This is because you can scoop up expiring options "on sale" - often for pennies on the dollar.

Then - when volatility spikes - you can flip these options back into the market for a quick 2X, 3X profit - or more.

And the best part is that you are only "in the market" for a handful of trading days each month - usually less than four.

The rest of the time, you are sitting comfortably in cash - immune to the wild swings of Mr. Market.

Up to now, this has all been options 101.

In a moment, I'm going to tell you exactly why this October 16 is setting up a "perfect storm" of volatility that could create trade opportunities unlike anything we've seen in decades.

But first, let me walk you through some examples of what I'm talking about.

These are all past trades that readers of our Expiration Week Countdown have gotten in on.

Travel back in time with me.

Let's imagine you were a subscriber and did our Beyond Meat trade from last month.

Our trades arrived in your inbox at 7pm EST on Sunday, September 13.

Over coffee the next morning, you logged into your brokerage account and grabbed one BYND call option contract for $877.

By Wednesday 9/16, the price of the underlying stock had moved from $143.18 a share to $156.67, just over a 9% gain.

And here is the beauty of options...

This 9% jump in the stock caused the options price to more than DOUBLE. Sending the value of your $877 contract soaring by 102.72%.

This move put the trade smack in the middle of our "sell zone" and we cashed out that $877 contract for $1,778.


A double in two trading days.

Of course, if you wanted to play this more aggressively, you could have sized up the trade.

A three-contract position would have yielded you a profit of $2,703. Six contracts would have pulled in $5,406 in pure profit.

What would you do with another $5,406 sitting in your account?

Steaks and a great bottle of wine?

Top off the rainy-day fund?

Roll it into more trades?

The choice is yours.

And this is just one of the mega winners we have recommended to subscribers of Expiration Week Countdown.

Here are some of our other recent wins:

Recent Expiration Week Countdown Wins

Just imagine - if you took our September recommendation on Square calls, you could have turned an investment of $811 into $1,635 - in just ONE trading day.

If you had gone in with bigger size, of course, you would now be sitting on $4,120, $8,240, or even more in pure profit.

...But those gains, spectacular as they are, may be chump change to what we will see in only a few days' time.

This is because - like I said before - October is shaping up to be anything but an "ordinary" month.

Let me explain...

Earlier, we went over a couple key concepts:

First, options go "on sale" as they approach expiration. This effect is known as time decay or theta.

Second, a spike in volatility close to options expiry can send contracts soaring, leading to huge gains.

Why? Because banks and institutional investors are forced to snap them up to hedge their portfolios.

Volatility, eh?

Close to options expiration, eh?

Let's put on our thinking caps...

Can anyone think of any volatile events that could be taking place around October 16?

  • President Trump (and who knows how many other top officials) battling COVID-19.
  • Uncertainty over future stimulus
  • Instability, even violence, surrounding the election
  • Gobsmacking levels of Fed pumping
  • Geopolitical tensions in China, Turkey, Iran, Armenia

Now, I don't know how any of these events will play out.

I don't have a crystal ball.

But I do know that any one of these is enough to send markets ripping higher OR down into correction territory (or worse).

And put together, these are the ingredients for what I'm calling the "October 16 Volatility Vortex."

A truly unpredictable series of volatility events that could send the market soaring, tanking, or doing a wild whipsaw back and forth.

This kind of month would have me hiding under my bed if I was an ordinary "buy and hold" investor.

But, for me and my analysts, this is the stuff dreams are made of.

Once again, I can't tell you how any of these events will play out.

But that doesn't matter for our purposes.

Because we can continue scoring huge wins whether the market goes up, down or sideways.

If you have ever considered jumping into the options market, all I can say is that you may never see a better time than today.

Buckle up.


On the Sunday of options expiration week each month, I send out six trades to our Expiration Week Countdown subscribers.

No straddles, collars, iron butterflies, or any other fancy stuff that you need a PhD in finance to figure out.

No margin is needed.

These are always 'plain vanilla' buys of puts and calls. Simple trades that take just a minute to execute.

Each trade comes with:

  • Entry Price Points: So you won't overpay for your position by a single cent
  • Exact Exit Instructions: So you never have to agonize over when to sell
  • Up to 200% Profit Target Per Trade: We're targeting quick wins here, not long-term capital lockup
  • Sub 5-Day Holding Period: So you never stay exposed to the market a moment longer than necessary
  • Charts & Analysis: So you can get in the heads of our analysts and understand their thoughts behind each pick

Act Now!

We've already seen how you could have earned $5,406 from a single trade over two days last month.

Researching each one of these trades takes the team dozens or sometimes hundreds of hours.

Our team "stress tests" the trades against historical data. We do technical analysis, calculate implied volatility, comb through analyst reports - you name it.

We also do "scuttlebutt" research to find out what the big institutional traders are doing - because none of the fundamentals matter if a "whale" is dumping their positions into the open market.

And we do that for six trades each month of the year.

Given the extreme profit potential, research required, and the fact that you get six of these trades each month, I believe that $1,495 per year is an extremely fair price for Expiration Week Countdown.

That is the normal price we advertise to visitors of our website looking for monthly options trades.

But this is not an ordinary month...

Look, I've spent my career in options.

I have seen the magic that happens when an investor learns to harness the power of volatility - instead of going to bed each night praying the markets don't take an unexpected turn.

Imagine breathing a long, slow sigh of relief as your brokerage account fills up with the proceeds of four-figure, even five-figure trades each month.

I've made my money. And now I want to share the life-changing power of options with as many investors as I can.

So I'm going to make you this offer:

As I said, we normally price Expiration Week Countdown at $1,495 per year.

But - when you are one of the first thirty people to sign up via the button below, you can get in today for $295.

That's just a fraction of the regular price.

The only "catch" is this offer ends as soon as the 30 available "pre-sale" spots are gone.

Does that sound like a good deal?

One more thing ...

When you sign up today, using the button below, we are going to upgrade your subscription to LIFETIME status.

That means that for the price of just one year, you are going to get our six handpicked trades each month - FOR LIFE.

This is the absolute best offer I have ever sent out on this research service.

You'd be smart to grab it - even if the October Volatility Vortex wasn't swirling about...

But with the opportunities that are just around the corner, you may find this to be a once in a lifetime opportunity, one you will forever regret passing up.

I don't want that to happen.

That's why I am doing everything I possibly can to urge you to click this big button below and get set up with your first trades today!

After you join, my team will make sure to send you your first six "Volatility Vortex" trades the moment they are released on Sunday evening.

This is not a drill.

I have been in the options markets for 40 years.

And like never before, my team and I are thrilled at the opportunities we see coming down the road.

If you believe, as I do, that more volatility is in store, I hope that you will take advantage of this limited-time offer and subscribe.

Act Now!

I look forward to seeing you inside.

Best regards,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

PS: If you have any questions at all about this newsletter you can email or call my office.

PPS: On top of all the political risks noted above, there is another "X-factor" series of events coming in mid-October. These are likely to add fuel to the volatility fire and could be a make-or-break moment for this market. If I have time I will write them up in a future email to you.

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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