How To Easily Overcome This MAJOR Trading Problem...[Prosperity Digest]

This Could Literally Change Your Life Forever...

Hey Trader,

As the year of Covid marches on, a lot of folks have had to rearrange — or entirely cancel — their summer vacation plans. 

But this past weekend, I was determined to celebrate Independence Day with some degree of normalcy… 

Just as I think a lot of Americans were. 

Well, I’m happy to report that we had an absolute blast. 

My family and I hosted the festivities at our house with several families from our church, and there were kids everywhere. 

We set up a massive inflatable water slide that they went nuts over, and they spent the whole day playing on the trampoline, swimming in the lake and riding on the boat. 

Here you can see a few of the kids jumping on the trampoline, and the giant water slide is over to the right. 

As you can see, we also had a great time shooting off fireworks… 

But here’s what was really cool:

See, we live pretty close to Disney, and normally we can see their fireworks display from our house. 

But they didn’t do fireworks this year… 

In fact, a lot of places that typically have really impressive fireworks shows canceled due to Covid. 

But that just meant that more people around us set up their own displays… 

And man, I’ve got to tell you… seeing the entire shoreline of the lake lit up with fireworks was one of the coolest things I’ve ever witnessed. 

In fact, one of our neighbors a few houses down had a floating barge with a fully electronic detonation system and just a massive amount of fireworks. 

It was honestly as good as any professional display I’ve ever seen. 

Of course, we had some fireworks of our own to shoot off, thanks to my father-in-law and another dad from the church. 

All in all, it was just an amazing time. 

No one was scared… 

No one wore a mask… 

We just enjoyed each other’s company and celebrated the holiday.

It was honestly one of the most normal things I’ve done in a while. 

And it really got me thinking. 

Listen, the reality is that we only have one shot at this thing called life. 

And if we spend too much time putting things off until the “right time”... 

Or even a “better,” or “more opportune” time… 

Well, we may just watch our whole life slip by while we wait for that perfect moment.

Here’s the cold, hard truth: 

The timing will NEVER be perfect. 

There will always be some reason to NOT do something today… 

And I resolved a long time ago to stop putting things off and to take action in the here and now. 

Now, that doesn’t mean having reckless abandon and never accounting for or considering potential risk factors. 

But it means that, if there’s something you know you want to do… 

Something you NEED to do… 

Well, the time to do it is NOW… 

Because none of us have the promise of tomorrow. 

It would have been so easy to cancel our 4th of July and just resign to “do it next year.” 

But that would have meant missing out on one of the most memorable days I’ve had this entire year. 

Here’s my point… 

If you’ve been putting off that critical first step toward taking control of your financial security… 

I urge you to stop procrastinating and take one actionable step TODAY. 

Here’s an easy one: 

Click right here and watch a free training video on a stock strategy that can help you start building that financial security. 

It’s absolutely free to watch… 

But the information you’ll learn could literally change your life. 

I hope you had a great 4th of July… 

And I hope you’ll take some type of action that can move the needle for you and your future TODAY!

How To Overcome This MAJOR Trading Problem…

Just about every seasoned trader has done it… 

And if left unchecked, it can absolutely destroy your brokerage account. 

I’m talking about overtrading. 

The truth is it’s a major problem, particularly for newer traders… 

But there’s a secret weapon you can use to help mitigate the urge to overtrade… 

And help you protect your account by trading smarter. 

It’s a weapon called the V-Swarm. 

See, this game-changing tool takes all the guesswork out of knowing where to enter trades…

And where to set profit targets and stop loss levels. 

It also gives you a clear-cut roadmap for identifying high-confidence, low-risk setups… 

So instead of a “spray-n-pray” approach, you can hone in on higher-probability opportunities like a sniper in a crow’s nest. 

Want to see this tactical trading tool in action? 

Just click right here to watch an in-depth training video and see exactly how it works… 

And how it can lead you to more successful trades through a disciplined, strategic approach!

67% Gain In Under A Week Plus A New, Piping-Hot Opportunity

Less than one week ago, Ross Givens issued a buy alert to his members on a cutting-edge pharmaceutical operation. 

Well, yesterday the stock jumped 16% on the day… and his subscribers are now sitting on a 31.2% total open gain. 

Oh, and the corresponding call options are up 67%... in under a week!

Now if you missed out on this move, don’t worry… 

Because Ross has just issued a new alert on a fresh opportunity that’s hotter than a two-dollar pistol. 

In fact, Ross thinks this could be one of the BIGGEST trade opportunities of the year… 

And he’s giving you the full breakdown in his latest video blog. 

Just click here to view it right now… 

And learn how to get in before this thing potentially explodes!

Yours for massive trading success, 

Dustin Pass
CEO, Market Traders Daily.

Market Traders Daily
Director of Client Services

Disclaimer: Futures, forex, stock, and options trading are not appropriate for all traders. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can ensure returns or against losses. No representation or implication is being made that using any of these methodologies or systems will generate returns or ensure against losses.

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