🎥 Legislative Roundtable... FINALE

Profit Trends

"Legislative Roundtable" Part 3: Cannabis M&A and the 2020 Election

Matthew Carr | Chief Trends Strategist | The Oxford Club

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As 2019 draws to a close, we wanted to reflect on some of the biggest stories of the year for cannabis... and do some tea leaf reading to see what lies ahead in 2020.

Our friends Justin Strekal from the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and Morgan Fox from the National Cannabis Industry Association traveled to Baltimore to sit down with us for our first-ever "Legislative Roundtable."

For a decade, Justin and Morgan had have their fingers on the pulse of marijuana policy in Washington, D.C. As you've heard in previous episodes, they know the players and the ins and outs of the halls of Capitol Hill.

And in this final episode, we delve into issues that impact the bottom lines and futures of multistate operators (MSOs).

First, we tackle mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Over the past year, the industry raced to grow at any cost, but found itself stonewalled by the lack of Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Antitrust Improvements Act approvals.

Justin and Morgan provide their take on what to expect from cannabis M&A in 2020 and whether the pace of HSR approvals will change.

The two then share their perspectives on what they think will make headlines in cannabis next year, especially the possibility of a change at the federal level with the looming presidential election. We also dip our toes into forecasting how big the market will potentially be.

For any investor wanting to know what lies ahead for the most important issues facing MSOs, this is a roundtable you don't want to miss!

Here's to high returns,

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