Supply chain workers warn: "System collapse" is coming

Could it be a supply chain breakdown that causes the next stock market crash? According to one group of experts, the answer could be a resounding "yes."

Supply Chain Workers Warn: "System Collapse" Is Coming

One month ago, there were 40 container ships anchored off the coast of Los Angeles.

By last week, that number was up to 73.

This is a completely unprecedented supply bottleneck.

And chances are, we'll see massive shortages of consumer goods ahead of the holiday season as a result...

The question is, could it be a supply chain breakdown that causes the next stock market crash?

According to one group of experts, the answer could be a resounding "yes."

In fact, just last week, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) sent an open letter to the United Nations General Assembly to warn of a "global transport system collapse."

And despite the Federal Reserve promising inflation would only be temporary, or transitory, that's not what we are seeing in the global supply chain...

Today, the cost of shipping a container from China to Los Angeles is QUADRUPLE what it cost in January of this year.

And the longer this bottle neck continues, the more expensive consumer goods will become.

That's why we've spent the last week urging you to prepare for a collapse in stocks.

When everyday items begin to soar in value, people will begin to panic.

But you don't need to be one of them...

To find out exactly how to position yourself to be protected from supply chain shortages, and prepare yourself for whatever comes next in the stock market, click here.


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Stansberry Research


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