Paper Money On Verge of Massive Shi… | 4 October

October 05, 2021

Markets N Election

Here's a super interesting video from one of our partners:

Dear Reader,

A surprising new briefing is out from one of the most widely followed tech experts in America.

Jeff Brown – a former executive at Qualcomm and NXP Semiconductors – says 2021 could mark the "beginning of the end" for cash.

After years of wild speculation… the paper money we grew up with could finally vanish, starting this year.

Governments from China to the U.S. are wrangling over the future of money with Big Tech companies, which are intent on issuing their own currencies. 

The question is, which new money will come out on top? 

Jeff Brown says, "massive changes are coming… And no matter which new currency takes over – it will radically change the world as we know it."

Even the Federal Reserve admits, "this new form of currency could "become systemically important, overnight."

For the details on this breaking story, click here.

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