NEW VIDEO ▶️ Is This Company Worth the Hype?

Liberty Through Wealth


5G Stock CRUSHES Earnings!!

5G SuperStocks

Wall Street is loading up on shares of one 5G SuperStock (with more than $2 billion invested!).


Because the stock brings in more cash than IBM, Facebook and even Google! Yet it trades for just $3.

Get the scoop on the 5G SuperStock right here.


Is This EV Company Worth the Hype?

Nicholas Vardy | Quantitative Strategist | The Oxford Club

Nicholas Vardy

Today, I'm sharing something new with you.

You see, I often receive messages from readers and viewers asking me to weigh in on specific companies, especially the ones that seem to be on regular rotation in the news.

But the media's coverage is always about a story - often a biased and sensationalized one.

It's not an impartial look at a company's facts and fundamentals.

Yet it creates a fervor, hyping investors up and sending them into a buying - or selling - frenzy.

That's why I'm introducing my brand-new YouTube series...

In each video, I'll discuss a specific company and reveal the truth behind the hype. I'll explain exactly why it's a good buy... or why it's time to say goodbye.

And the company I'm looking at today is the subject of constant conversation...

Piper Sandler Predicts
Change Is Coming

So click here to watch the first episode of my new series, Buy or Bye?, and make sure you subscribe to our channel so you never miss an episode.


Click here to watch today's video.


I hope you'll give it a watch and share your thoughts with me in the comments.

Good investing,


For the latest news from Nicholas, connect on Facebook and Twitter.


These 3 Cryptos Could All Be Bigger Than Bitcoin

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The Cheapest One Is Just $2. But Top Crypto Traders Are Pouring In.

Find Out Why Here.

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