📝 The Cheat Sheet - October 2, 2021

Profit Trends

12.2%% YTD

16.0% YTD

13.0% YTD

Dow Jones Industrial Average

S&P 500 Index

Nasdaq Composite

Editor's Note: While big-name tech stocks trade for hundreds or even thousands of dollars per share...

This tiny tech stock trades for less than $10.

And though this company is small, it might be the most impressively run business that Chief Trends Strategist Matthew Carr has found in his career!

It's at the forefront of cutting-edge technology with 20,900 granted patents, and it is locking in deals with companies like Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA)...

And it has only more upside ahead!

For more information, click here.


- Kaitlyn Hopkins, Assistant Managing Editor

Government Shutdown

Will the Rumored Government Shutdown Sink Your Retirement?


Salt Flat

The Lithium Market Is About to Take Off



The No. 1 Opportunity for 2022


Vehicle Batteries

Contemporary Amperex Technology (SZSE: 300750), the world's largest maker of electric vehicle batteries, has just agreed to buy Canadian miner Millennial Lithium (OTC: MLNLF). The battery company hopes that this move will help it secure a stable supply of the metal.

The company made this deal just as battery-grade lithium carbonate prices in its home country of China tripled due to increased EV demand.



Trash Your Smartphone?!

Recycle Bins

"The Next Great Display Technology" is set to revolutionize the tech industry.

Click here to see the technology The Wall Street Journal says "uses less power, looks better, and can change its shape and size."

Video - Matthew Carr

Subscribe to Matthew Carr's YouTube channel!

Left Quote

Don't fear that a government shutdown might sink your portfolio. Historically, the opposite is true.

Right Quote

- Matthew Carr
Chief Trends Strategist

Chart - Lithium Carbonate Equivalent

The lithium industry measures the supply of the metal as lithium carbonate. That is a stable form of the metal, which is otherwise highly reactive.

By 2030, lithium demand is expected to grow to more than 2 million metric tons. That means production must quadruple from 2020 levels to meet demand on time.

And it's only going to get worse...


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