Delta Variant Crushes Asia, Slows US Supply Chains and Ramps Up Inflation

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

Delta Variant Crushes Asia, Could Have Catastrophic Effect on US

August 02, 2021

My work week usually begins each Sunday night when I check on the opening of Asian markets and peruse any economic data that's released.

This particular Sunday, however, was a bit of a quandary, as markets — like China's Shenzhen CSI 300 — had solid opens despite the effects of the delta variant in Asia-Pacific.

As Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan all see higher case numbers than ever, the Asian markets are beginning to slow down…

And that's bad news for the U.S.

How It Affects Us

Following the SWARM 'Could Have Returned Over 63,000%'

No, that's not a typo. For almost a century, there's been only one trading strategy that could have turned a $5,000 account into $3.1 million.

That strategy? Follow the SWARM.

Because trading against the SWARM could drag that same $5,000 down 78% to $1,100.

See Where the SWARM Is Headed

How to Trade Thursday's Colossal GDP Miss

July 30, 2021

Well, after bragging all of last week about how right I had been so far, I was wrong… sort of.

Continue Reading

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