11 Million Americans at Risk of Eviction… And Rent Is Rising

June 4, 2021
The Biggest Trade of Lance's Life...
Future of Wealth Head Trader Lance Ippolito would NEVER brag about this…  

But on Oct. 22 he closed the biggest winner of his life.

If someone were to ask him about the secret behind this unreal trade…

He'd tell them it was because of the incredible "Blockbuster Breakout Date" scheduled for Oct. 22…

And because of this single, monster win...

Lance actively trades these explosive "breakout dates" every week.

In fact, he's already shown a group of everyday traders how to spot them... And their results have been nothing short of stunning.
Learn More Here
3 Reasons I Wagered Big on 2 Sports Betting Stocks
The weather is getting hot and the world has a year of cabin fever to shake off.

About 40% of Americans are fully vaccinated now and another 10% have had their first dose.

With those numbers rising, mask mandates and capacity restrictions are being lifted across the country.

As economic activity returns to the pre-pandemic normal, we're seeing rebounds in travel, food service and retail…

But after everyone is done flying, eating and shopping… they'll want to be entertained.

And like those other sectors, that gives traders another round of opportunity to capitalize on beaten-down stocks before they return to form.

And I'm laying down a big bet that these two companies will beat the odds…
Don't Miss These
11 Million Americans at Risk of Eviction… And Rent Is Rising
There are less than 30 days remaining until the Center for Disease Control's moratorium on evictions expires.

Unfortunately, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) estimates there are roughly 11 million people behind on their rent — plus another 6.4 million homeowners delinquent on their mortgages — who could soon potentially be at risk of eviction and homelessness.

In total, that 11 million figure constitutes a full 15% of the adult renter population, highly leveraged toward southern states, minorities and families with children.

And despite federal aid being targeted specifically at delinquent renters, states have had tremendous difficulty getting the money into their pockets.
See What's Going On
"I always like your strategies and approach, hands down. I know that if anybody can navigate the charts it's like a pro, it's you. All the best,"

John D.
A Break-down refers to a security's price movement lower through a historical support level. A break-down typically precedes heavy trading volume and increased volatility.

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