The Stocks We’re Most Excited to Trade This Week

Published: May 11, 2021

Smash Dividends
With This Secret

What should traders do when stocks aren't going up?

Back in the 90s, people used to think the only way to rip cash out of the market during flat periods was dividends...

And many still believe that…

But what if there was a way to make 30%, 50%, even double the investment when the markets don't even move?

Thanks to a little known "millionaire's" secret… we've found these profit pockets in stocks that can pay double-digit returns even when the market is STUCK!

Check This Out

Tom Busby: The Stocks We're Most Excited
to Trade This Week

We've got a hot stock market on our hands right now…

At least that's what we think because the S&P 500 was up 5  points (or at the 42.30 level) as we filmed this video. 

But it's interesting how things are perceived these days… 

So in this video, we wanted to show you our trading plan for the week. This includes the biggest news reports to pay attention to, the way we'd think about the market and which stocks we're most excited to watch this week. 

We recently had a position in one of the stocks we'll mention. And we liked it so much we decided to roll it over to see what could potentially come from it.

Let's Take a Look

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Roger's Radar: Know
How Much Inflationary Risk There Is by the
End of the Week

Economic data released this week will give us a good idea of where we stand on inflationary risk. But in the meantime, I've identified two REIT pullbacks... including one bullish and one bearish stock for today.

April's jobs report was a disappointment, marking a huge contrast to the jobless claims data we've seen the past few weeks.

Momentum levels in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq continue to be high, and both are showing divergence. The Russell 2000, on the other hand, isn't as overbought and has been consolidating recently. I expect small-cap stocks to pick back up in the near future. 

In this video, I'll go over how Friday's employment numbers are distorting the stock market… whether bonds are going to rise or fall in the next quarter… if momentum levels in the Nasdaq are increasing or decreasing… which major index is congesting… which major index is set to drop… the top entertainment REIT on my radar… and the weakest pullback opportunity for a bearish trade.

Here's What I'm Seeing

*clicking these links will automatically subscribe you to Roger's Radar emails

Top EV Battery Stocks for Big Upside in 2021

May 3, 2021

I've decided to put a short list together of my favorite EV battery stocks for 2021 that have the potential to double, triple or maybe go up five times…  

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How Cathie Wood's Ark ETFs Could Crash
the Entire Market

May 5, 2021

What Wood is currently doing with her ETFs could lead to a disaster in the stock market… and no one's talking about it.  

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