Flames erupted from the trash can next to me. "How you doin?" came a call from deep inside the alleyway. It was dark, I heard thunder in the distance, and I was lost. But I was the happiest 11-year old in the world. And I was in Brooklyn, New York. (speaking of New York, I'll be there tomorrow night doing THIS super important live presentation, and you can register here to watch it. But grab a spot now because there is limited space in the webinar). Ok, back to the story. It was 1982. New York City was messed up. Crime, burning trash cans, low property values, a stagnant Wall Street stock market. Times Square was kinda gross. But I loved it. My grandmother lived in Brooklyn, and I'd spend my summers there. She never followed up on me. She let me roam the entire city by myself, never followed up on me, never worried about me. I didn't know her phone number, and even if I'd called to let her know where I was, she wouldn't have worried. She completely trusted me. In fact, she expected me to go out and explore on my own. "Get the F out of the house, Robbie," she'd tell me. "Go find a girl." Haha. Instead of finding a girl, I'd go find pizza, wander through the park, meet people, talk to everyone, get lost, then finally make my way back to her little 1 bedroom apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn late at night. She was my best friend. When my parents ditched me on my 12th birthday a year later, she took care of me. But that's a story for another time. Anyway, I learned independence from my grandmother. I also learned a ton of swear words in Italian. Haha. That independence - and those swear words - have served me well in my trading career. :) And my trading career is about to become a hell of a lot more interesting. I just bought $14,000 worth of an obscure, unheard of coin. And I'm about to buy another $30k worth in the next week. But time is running out, because it's starting to move. Tomorrow night, live from New York City - my roots, my people, my favorite place on earth - I'm going to reveal what crypto is going to be the most fun to trade, has the most potential, and is getting almost $50k of my money. Want to hear all about it? Click here to register now - save your spot, because we've only got room for 1,000, and it will be completely packed. Some people won't be able to get into the call. Don't miss it. And now, back to the story: I wandered the street until almost midnight. It started to rain. Thunder shook the two-story apartment buildings around me. I was alone, I was lost, and I was the happiest kid on earth. Tomorrow I'll tell you how I found my way back home through the dark streets of Brooklyn. But for now, just save your spot in the webinar tomorrow. I promise you're gonna love it. We're gonna geek out on crypto. We're gonna talk about the most exciting thing to trade for the next 30 days. And then tomorrow I'll finish up the story. I love the heck out of you, Rob |
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