2 Trading Tips That Helped Me More Than Anything Else

Is your money at stake??

Published: May 10, 2021

The Newest Trading Discovery

We've all heard of insider trading…

It's unethical and indefensible, and the punishment — jail — fits the crime.

But this doesn't stop corporate insiders from using their information advantage like a cudgel to bulk up their wealth.

Meanwhile, everyone else is left scrambling to get in after their shares have catapulted the stock's value to new heights…

These corporate insiders are literally pumping their own stocks, and doing it 100% legally…We don't know about you, but that doesn't sound fair.

So I decided to even the odds.

Find Out How

Lance Ippolito

Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

With Tech Momentum Tanking, Is Cathie Wood's Ark Sunk?

There's something rotten on Wall Street, and I'm not talking about Elon Musk's acting chops.

Cathie Wood has been a red-hot, A-list star of high finance since the onset of the pandemic.

Shares of her ARK Innovation ETF (NYSEArca: ARKK) shot into the stratosphere from March 2020 lows of $37.85 to a high of $159.70 in February of this year.

The ETF's portfolio reads like a who's-who of growth tech stock darlings like Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA), Teladoc Health Inc. (NYSE: TDOC) and Roku Inc. (Nasdaq: ROKU).

Everybody loves a winner... And for most of the past year, Wood has been on one heck of a winning streak.

So it's no surprise that a lot of the stocks her funds invest in grew cult-like followings… Every cult needs a leader, after all.

But winning streaks eventually come to an end...

Here's What I'm Looking At

Bang, Buy, Bust:
Don't Fall for the
Dogecoin Hype Train

May 4, 2021

For this installment of "Bang, Buy, Bust," I'm going to mix things up a little. You see, my latest "Bust" isn't a stock at all…

Continue Reading

The No. 1 Factor Hurting New Traders

May 7, 2021

Almost everywhere you look, you see loads of new traders flooding the internet, learning that playing around in the stock market isn't as easy as they thought it was.

Continue Reading

A New Money Crew Publication

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