2 Stocks to Trade as Commodity Prices Soar

Published: May 14, 2021

When Roger Scott
Heard This… He Twisted Chuck's Arm to Share

WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott just caught wind of Chuck Hughes announcing the biggest project of his entire career: the Triple Threat challenge…

A chance for everyday traders to completely transform their lives  this summer…

He's starting traders off with a special $50,000 challenge account… and equipping them with the tools necessary to bag the returns of a lifetime… 

… And become a championship level trader on their own!

Tap Here to See What He Just Leaked

Roger Scott: I'm Bullish on Oil for First Time in 2 Years

I've been telling anyone and everyone who would listen that I was bearish on the Energy sector. That's because it's been one of the weakest industries since COVID-19 took the world by storm in 2020. 

But then I took a good look at my CSI scan and the top stocks on it…

I'm seeing names like Devon Energy, Marathon Oil and Diamondback in the top 10 out of 500 stocks. And when I looked at the cumulative strength index, guess what I saw… Energy is leading! 

So it's safe to say I'm bullish on oil stocks — for the first time in two years!

Find out More

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Roger's Radar: 2
Stocks to Trade as
Commodity Prices Soar

Exchange activity will pick up one way or another, whether it's to the upside or downside. I have two exchange stocks that may continue their upward trend as traders hedge investments and bearish investors increase their positions.

It's important that traders make the right moves in today's environment. When markets get choppy, traders become more active and tend to make mistakes.  

Commodity prices are skyrocketing and more inflation is expected. A lot of companies and investors are hedging their investments with commodities.

But What's the Best Move?

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The Housing Market Is Heating Up. Tap Into It With These Hot Plays

May 7, 2021

I have some home builder stock plays I want us to focus on ahead of the sizzling summer months.  

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Nonfarm Payrolls for April Say The Economy Is in Trouble

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I was originally going to do this video on something completely different… until I saw the horrific number for nonfarm payrolls in April. 

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