♟ This $4 Stock Is Your Electric Vehicle Bedrock

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This $4 Stock Is Your Electric Vehicle Bedrock
Karim Rahemtulla, Head Fundamental Tactician, Monument Traders Alliance
Pawn Chess Piece An under-the-radar play on both the commodity and EV booms.

733% Since May 2019?!

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Editor's Note: Time is running out: RSVP to The War Room Open House before Friday or you'll miss it!

Karim and I would like to officially invite you inside The War Room for one full week - no strings attached. It's our first-ever War Room Open House... and, yes, it's totally FREE! You can see for yourself what we talk about in Trade of the Day. You know all those daily winners you see below our alerts? You can see those happen IN REAL TIME! You'll see the live trades, the banter, the Members Chat - everything is open to you for FREE. I'm not kidding - no credit card required, no payment of any type... zero, nada, zilch. This could be your only chance to take a peek inside The War Room without spending a dime - so reserve your spot now!

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- Bryan Bottarelli, Head Trade Tactician
Karim Rahemtulla
Born from scandal, this company is now a dominant player in raw materials, especially copper, one of the major components of electric vehicles (EVs) and the entire clean energy complex.

A few decades ago, Marc Rich, probably the most politically incorrect man of his time, founded Marc Rich & Co. to trade and invest in raw materials. He was infamous for making deals with dictators, despots and good guys too. He made a ton of money. By today's standards, he was a multibillionaire. Marc cared only about business, not the people he was doing business with.

That ran him afoul of regulators in the U.S., and he was famously charged with illegally trading oil with Iran during the hostage crisis, as well as evading U.S. taxes. He fled to Switzerland as a fugitive in 1983 and never set foot (as far as we know) in the U.S. again, despite a controversial pardon by Bill Clinton in 2001.

In 1994, Marc Rich & Co. was sold to management, and the name was changed to Glencore (OTC: GLCNF). In 2011, Glencore became a public company.

Today, it is a very profitable company with more than $140 billion in sales. Glencore occupies a unique spot as both a commodities producer and a commodities trader. And its sweet spot is actually both sides of the power revolution, mining everything from copper to coal. It is one the biggest copper miners in the world.

The chart below shows you how much copper is used in just a single EV...
Copper Facts
Today, Glencore is one of those under-the-radar plays on both a commodity boom and an EV boom, and you can get into the shares for around $4 today, well under its 52-week high.

Action Plan: If you want exposure to the sector with a company that people love to hate, then you may want to jump into Glencore... the black sheep of commodities stocks. As a miner and a trader, it gives us a double play on the commodities sector. For plays like this one in real time, don't forget to click here to join me FREE OF CHARGE for The War Room Open House next week!

Yours in smart speculation,
Karim Rahemtulla Signature
Karim Rahemtulla, Head Fundamental Tactician
Monument Traders Alliance
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WAR Room Testimonials
WAR Bishop Mohammed E. April 8, 2021, 10:04 a.m.
I opened WMT {APR 16c calls) at $1.36 for $2.00, for a nice 47% return.
WAR Knight Johnathan J. April 8, 2021, 1:50 p.m.
BB I initially opened DRI on your recommendation this morning. Set a limit sell and then off to work. Nice 20% gain over 3 hours and about 2 mins of activity! Thanks BB!
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