re: last chance to claim your gift?

Only 7 left... Grab yours before someone else claims it!
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Trader, just following up on the email I sent you earlier...

Remember, the $1,346 gift I've prepared for you is still waiting for you to claim it!

(More details on that in just a second).

Let me ask you this question first:

What's the investment you MOST regret missing out on?

You know, the one where you had that "gut feeling..."

But you never acted on it?

Every trader I know has a few of these under their belt.

But here's what separates the hobbyists from the pros.

The pros LEARN from their mistakes.

They make sure there isn't another "trade" they regret missing out on.

And April might be shaping up to be another one of those "regrets" if you're not quick!

Here's why:

Earlier, I talked about the recent wave of stimulus checks...

And how this has triggered an avalanche of volatility in April...

Which then opens up an unprecedented profit opportunity for savvy traders.

(If you missed it, keep reading and I'll recap below).

I also told you that if you wanted to see cash gains of 100%, 200% or beyond with positions held for LESS than 5 days...

You had to get in quick.

Well, out of the 30 early-bird seats...

23 serious traders reading my newsletter have already signed up!

Which means they've locked in their spots to get my 6 top trading recommendations this Sunday at 7pm.

A.K.A. the April Windfall Déjà Vu.

Because the recent stimulus checks have done more than give a boost to the economy.

It opened a window of opportunity to profit TWICE off these stimulus checks...

Meaning, you're getting cash in the bank from the checks sent out in March...

Then in April, you'll profit AGAIN.

And that's why I'm calling it a "Windfall Déjà Vu."

And as I mentioned earlier... There's only 7 spots left!

So if you want to be one of the lucky 7 to get in before the doors close...

Now might be your last chance.

Remember, when you sign up tonight to join the Expiration Week Countdown subscribers...

I'm giving you a staggering $1,346 discount to make sure price doesn't get in the way of your decision!

Think of this $1,346 savings as a bonus, "action-taker's" gift.

In addition to this...

When you sign up now, I'll also upgrade your subscription from annual to LIFETIME status!

So instead of paying the usual $1,495 for the year...

You'll get a LIFETIME subscription for $149.

Over the course of the year, that's just $0.40 a day...

Which is LESS than what you'd pay for a gallon of gas!

Think about it.

72 high potential trades (6 per month), every year. For life.

That's 72 opportunities to make CASH gains of 100%, 200% or more.

Trades like Workhorse which skyrocketed 200% within 5 days.

Or Chewy Inc. which would've netted you a nice 201% in 5 days as well...

You're getting 72 trades like this every year... For the REST of your life...

For less than a gallon of gas a day.

Isn't that an amazing deal?

Sadly, there's just 7 spots left to join the early birds...

And if you miss out, this could be another one of those "regrets" that haunt you!

I don't want that for you. And I'm sure you don't either.

So hurry and join the inner circle of Expiration Week Countdown subscribers now...

This could be your last chance to get this deal!

Act Now!

Or if you missed out on my email earlier...

Read on and I'll explain what I'm talking about.

Okay. Here's the quick rundown:

The recent wave of stimulus checks has tipped over an avalanche of volatility...

And it's set off a chain of events that can't be turned back.

In response to these stimulus checks, the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) are letting interest rates continue to surge up.

Take a look at the graph below. It's the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury Note over the past 6 months:

Graph charting the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note

As you can see on the graph, the yield keeps going up and up...

And guess what happens when interest rates go up?

It affects how much investors can "afford" to borrow.

And when that happens?

Growth and tech stock prices start swinging wildly.

And the reason for that is because the majority of investors who buy growth/tech stocks, do it on borrowed money.

And as you can probably see...

When borrowing money gets more expensive (due to rising interest rates)...

These stock prices tend to start "wobbling," as some are forced to sell.

Case in point, several industry insiders are already aware of this wave of volatility and bracing themselves for it...

CNBC headline: We're expecting volatility...

Wall Street Journal headline

But for us, volatility is a GOOD thing.

Because near the options expiration date (which is on the 16th this month)...

The prices on options get heavily discounted (this happens every month).

Which means you can scoop up valuable contracts for cheap - often pennies on the dollar.

Then with these discounted options...

When volatility hits due to surging interest rates and the effect that has on certain stocks...

It's the classic, "buy low, sell high" strategy.

Best of all?

This allows you to take small positions (remember, we're buying discounted contracts)...

So you're taking less risk... Plus, we're NEVER holding this position for more than 5 days either.

And when we "sell high," we get to see CASH gains of 100%, 200% or more!

The Workhorse Group trade I mentioned earlier would've turned $730 into $2,190...

In just FOUR days.

And more aggressive traders who bought 20 contracts would've turned $2,920 into $8,760...

Resulting in a staggering $5,840 CASH profit in just 4 short days!

Here are a few more examples of trades like that my inner circle of subscribers got to profit from:



Holding Period
 (trading days)

 Beyond Meat Calls


 2 days

 Zynga Inc. Calls


 1 day

 Wayfair Inc. Calls


 5 days

 Square Inc. Calls


 1 day

In short, when you join my Expiration Week Countdown subscribers...

You'll be placing just a handful of well-placed trades each month (no more than 6)...

Executing the trade starting Monday... Then you're out and counting your cash by Friday!

So while others are working their tails off 9-5...

You're making their MONTHLY salary in less than a week!

But again...

The most important part here is the "volatility."

Because volatility is the thing that lets us SELL HIGH.

And thanks to the volatility avalanche being triggered by the stimulus checks and rising interest rates...

This is the perfect time to flip expiring contracts for 100-200% gains.

The mainstream media and your average trader hasn't caught on to this yet...

But as always, it's only a matter of time.

So if you want to get in and get my top 6 trading recommendations for this month...

You gotta hurry!

There's only 7 spots left on the early-birds.

Click the button below now to join and save $1,346...

AND get your annual subscription upgraded to LIFETIME!

Act Now!

I look forward to toasting your first successful trades by next Friday's market close.

Best regards,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

PS: If you have any questions at all about Expiration Week Countdown or this amazing offer, you can email or call my office: | 1-800-448-2080 Ext. 1250.

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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