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I’ve been waiting for a few hours but haven’t heard back from you.

I want to make sure you understand what’s going on… and check-in with you regarding your incomplete order

Earlier, you heard about the great danger facing this country.

You learned that, behind closed doors, away from the eyes of the American taxpayer… the Federal Reserve has made a dark deal with Wall Street.

And you learned why this deal could spell disaster for you personally.


Countless Americans have already been wiped out by it.

Foodbank lines are seeing record numbers. Businesses are being burned to the ground.

And even as stocks “appear” to be doing okay…

The ultra-rich “appear” to be running for their lives!

Bill Gates is taking action.

Zuckerberg… Obama…

Even Donald Trump looks to be taking steps to protect himself and his family.

They’ve already made their moves—you’re running out of time to make yours.

This is why I want to make sure you get a chance to finalize your order for Dave Forest’s Strategic Investor.

Because it still hasn’t gone through on my end.

Dave knows exactly what to do as this crisis unfolds.

All you need to do to receive his guidance is to complete your order.

You can click here to finish your order—at a 75% discount.

Or you can reach me by phone at 888-512-2739.

Keep in mind, if you aren’t satisfied with your purchase for any reason… you’re protected by our 60-day satisfaction guarantee.

You have 60 days to decide if Dave’s work is right for you. If it isn’t… let us know and we’ll issue you a full refund.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Shanikka Dorsey
Sr. Client Services, Casey Research



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