Humans Weren’t Made to Exercise…

American Investor Today

“We evolved to be physically active for two reasons and two reasons only. One is when it's necessary, and the other is when it's rewarding.”

Dear Loyal Reader,

My next guest is a myth-buster for exercise.

He’s also a biologist, anthropologist and professor at Harvard University.

Over the past two decades, Dan Lieberman has traveled across the world to help answer some of the most popular questions about physical activity…

How much exercise should we get?

If we were born to move, why do we prefer driving over walking or using escalators over stairs?

Are humans inherently lazy, or is this normal?

He shares his discoveries in his latest book: Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding.

Dan joins me on The Charles Mizrahi Show to discuss how to make physical activity more enjoyable for all.

In a world where life expectancy is extraordinary and vaccines are being produced at a record pace, Dan shares why you CAN have your cake and eat it, too.

Stop avoiding your treadmill and listen to his out-of-the-box mission.

CLICK HERE to listen now!

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Charles Mizrahi
Founder, Alpha Investor


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