Things are really moving fast

Here's how to steal our best December expiration trade ideas and target 100%, 200% gains or more in 5 days or less...
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Dear Trader,

Things are really moving fast.

I opened up 30 "earlybird" spots for Expiration Week Countdown this morning.

As of now, there are only 7 slots left.

Seven slots left to get our top 6 trades around options expiration each month.

And we'll be releasing December's 6 hot trades this Sunday evening, each one aimed at earning you fat gains of up to 200% in 5 days or less.

I'm talking about the kind of profits that could change your life... the perfect holiday surprise!

And when you sign up tonight (via this link), your savings are huge... and we'll upgrade your subscription to LIFETIME status.

This means that instead of paying the normal $1,495 price for one year, you'll get a lifetime subscription (never expires) for the discounted price of just $295.

Why am I doing this?


I believe that the

There is a massive "volatility vortex" poised to hit right around options week.

And because increases in volatility cause options to spike, this puts us in a prime spot to score some huge, fast gains.

Just last month, our subscribers scored a quick money-tripler on Workhorse Group calls. Those who purchased 5 contracts turned an investment of $730 into $2,190 - in just 4 trading days.

Those who went all-in and bought 20 contracts turned $2,920 into $8,760... a staggering $5,840 profit in 4 short days!

Now, I'm convinced that we'll see more of the same this month, with tons of market-moving factors still in play:

  • COVID-19... cases are soaring... will the economy be shut down before the vaccines arrive?
  • Presidential transition... Trump is still fighting - as courts rule on state elections, instability and violence could ensue.
  • Will there be any movement in the seemingly unending stimulus debate?
  • Jaw-dropping levels of Fed pumping

I don't know how they'll all play out, but I do know that they'll move the markets... and that's a great thing for options trades, especially leading up to expiration.

Look, I've been trading options for over 40 years.

I've traded the 1987 crash, the raging bull 90s, the Y2K tech boom and bust, and of course the 2007-8 "Great Recession."

And I made money in all of them.

This is because options don't care if the markets are in bear or bull mode.

Make money going up.

Make money going down.

I've seen a lot.

But I've never seen an options setup quite like the one we are sailing into over the next 8 days.

Whether you're an experienced trader, or just dipping a toe into the options world, Expiration Week Countdown gives you a powerful edge...

... And the opportunity to bank some huge gains between now and next Friday, December 18th. I'm talking about 6 opportunities to double or triple your money in the next 8 days.

Plus, it couldn't be any easier to execute.

Here are the details again:

If you sign up tonight, we will send you our 6 December trades (via email) at 7pm EST this Sunday, December 13th.

The next morning, you spend a few minutes placing the recommended trades (we give you exact entry and exit points so there is zero guesswork).

Each trade targets up to 200% returns in 5 days or less (so your money is not tied up a moment longer than necessary in this wild market).

And the price is right... plus I'm throwing in a very special holiday bonus.

Expiration Week Countdown is normally $1,495 per year... a fair price considering it delivers 6 potentially money-tripling trades each and every month.

But when you sign up right now, you can get in for just $295.

And as a special bonus, I'll remove the expiration date from your new subscription, giving you lifetime access to these amazing trades... at huge savings off the regular one-year price.

I can't promise I will ever offer this deal again.

And I definitely can't promise that we will ever see an options week like this in our trading lifetimes.

So click the link below, grab one of the 7 remaining LIFETIME upgrade slots, and I will rush you your first 6 Expiration Week Countdown trades the moment they go out on Sunday evening.

Act Now!

I look forward to toasting your first successful trades by next Friday's market close.

Best regards,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

PS: Only 7 spots remain. Get in tonight to claim 6 hot trades targeting up to 200% gains by next Friday. Last month, subscribers turned $730 into $2,190 on our Workhorse Group trade... don't miss out on December's big winners and you could have a whole bunch of extra money for the holidays.

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Dear Trader,

Bernie Schaeffer here.

I know we're smack-dab in the middle of the holiday hustle and bustle, so let me get right to the point.

Next Friday's options expiration is setting up a "perfect storm" of volatility...

... a surge that could usher in explosive options profits, lining your pockets just in time for the holidays.

In fact, I believe the December 18th options expiry will be one of the top 1 or 2 percent best trading setups I've seen in my 40 years in the market.

The profit opportunities will be abundant... savvy traders could double - or even triple - their money in the next 8 days.

And I'm here to help you capitalize on this opportunity... to help make this a holiday season you'll never forget!

Periods of market volatility like these are exactly when a small options trading account can balloon in size to the six-figure range -- or beyond -- in just a handful of trading sessions.

Let me explain.

A series of events are coming together to form what I'm calling:


Let's start with the basics.

This month's options will expire on December 18th.

And as expiration day approaches, option contract prices drop... fast.

This is because options are based on share price movements over time... volatility.

Less time left for the underlying share price to move means less chance for volatility. This leads to falling options prices.

If you've been sitting on contracts for weeks or months, this is usually bad news. It means the options that you bought for $5, $10 or $15 are heading downhill.

... unless there's a sudden spike in volatility. That's when things get really interesting.

When a volatility jump occurs near options expiration you have a chance to score huge, quick wins.

That's because you can scoop up expiring options "on sale" -- often for pennies on the dollar.

Then - when volatility spikes - you can flip these options back into the market for a quick 100%, 200% profit - or more.

And here's the best part... you're only "in the market" for a handful of trading days each month -- usually less than four.

The rest of the time, you are sitting comfortably in cash - immune to the wild swings of Mr. Market.

Up to now, this has all been options 101.

In a moment, I'm going to tell you exactly why December 18th options expiration is setting up to be a "perfect storm" of volatility that could deliver huge profits like most traders only dream about.

But first, let me put some real numbers to all this, with some recent examples.

These are all trades that readers of our Expiration Week Countdown have gotten in on.

Travel back in time with me... to mid-November. Just a few short weeks ago.

Let's imagine you were an Expiration Week Countdown subscriber and played our Workhorse Group recommendation.

The trade arrived in your inbox at 7pm EST on Sunday, November 15th.

Over coffee the next morning, you logged into your brokerage account and grabbed 5 WKHS call option contracts for $730.

Just 4 days later, on Friday 11/20, the price of the underlying stock had moved from $19.28 a share to $25.78, nearly a 34% gain.

A 34% stock gain in just 4 days is really nice, but here's the beauty of options...

That 34% jump in the stock caused the options price to TRIPLE... sending the value of your $730 investment soaring by 200%!

This move put the trade smack in the middle of our "sell zone" and we cashed out.

That $730 initial investment turned into $2,190 in just 4 days!


A money-tripler in just 4 days!

Of course, if you wanted to play this more aggressively, you could have super-sized your profits.

Ten contracts would've yielded you a profit of $2,920. Double that to 20 contracts and you would've pulled in $5,840 in pure profit... in less than 1 week!

What would you do with an extra $5,840?

Take the holiday gift-giving up a notch or two this year?

Top off the rainy-day fund?

Roll it into more trades?

The choice is yours.

And that's is just one of the recent mega-winners we've recommended to Expiration Week Countdown subscribers.

Here are some of our other recent wins:

Expiration Week Countdown Winners

Just imagine -- if you'd bought into our Beyond Meat call recommendation, you would've turned an investment of $877 into $1,778... in just 2 trading days!

And if you'd grabbed a single contract of that Wayfair recommendation listed above, you would've turned $433 into $1,300... in just 5 trading days!

Five Wayfair contracts would've delivered $4,335 in profits... and 10 contracts would've put an extra $8,670 in your pocket! All in less than a single week!

... But those gains, spectacular as they are, may pale in comparison to what we see this month.

Because - like I said before - December is shaping up to be anything but an "ordinary" month.

Let me explain...

Earlier, we went over a couple of key concepts:

First, options go "on sale" as they approach expiration. This effect is known as time decay or theta.

Second, a spike in volatility close to options expiry can send contracts soaring, leading to huge gains.

Why? Because banks and institutional investors are forced to snap them up to hedge their portfolios.

Volatility? Close to options expiration? Just wait and see...

There are a number of volatile events that could be taking place leading up to December 18th.

  • COVID-19... cases are soaring... will the economy be shut down before the vaccines arrive?
  • Presidential transition... Trump is still fighting - as courts rule on state elections, instability and violence could ensue.
  • Will there be any movement in the seemingly unending stimulus debate?
  • Jaw-dropping levels of Fed pumping

Now, I have no idea how any of these events will play out. I don't have a crystal ball.

But I do know that any one of these is enough to send markets ripping higher OR down into correction territory (or worse).

And put together, these are the ingredients for what I'm calling the "December Volatility Vortex."

A truly unpredictable series of volatility events that could send the market soaring, tanking, or doing a wild whipsaw back and forth.

This kind of volatility would have "buy and hold" investors running for cover.

But, for me and my analysts, this is the stuff dreams are made of.

Because, as options traders, we can continue scoring huge wins whether the market goes up, down or sideways.

Let me put it this way...

If the idea of making some REALLY BIG profits in the next 8 days - by December 18th - gets your adrenaline flowing, I'm about to make your day.


On the Sunday of options expiration week each month, I send out 6 trades to our Expiration Week Countdown subscribers, each one targeting gains of up to 200% in 5 days or less.

For December, that's this Sunday... just 3 short days from now.

And let me just say... my team and I have our eye on some trades that could deliver eye-popping gains even larger than 200% - a full week before Christmas.

That's right, you'll be in and out of all 6 trades by next Friday, December 18th at the latest.

Plus, we make it so easy.

No straddles, collars, iron butterflies, or any other fancy stuff that you need a PhD in finance to figure out. And no margin is needed.

These are always 'plain vanilla' buys of puts and calls. Simple trades that take just a minute to execute... but deliver huge gains in 5 days or less!

Each trade comes with:

  • Entry Price Points: So you won't overpay for your position by a single cent
  • Exact Exit Instructions: So you never have to agonize over when to sell
  • Up to 200% Profit Target Per Trade: The kind of gains that can really change your life
  • Sub 5-Day Holding Period: We're targeting quick wins here, not long-term capital lockup
  • Charts & Analysis: So you can "get in the heads" of our analysts and understand their thoughts behind each pick

Simply place the trades on Monday morning, then sit back and count your profits on Friday. It's that simple. We do the work and give you everything you need to bank huge gains in 5 days or less.

Act Now!

We've already seen how you could've banked $5,840 from a single trade over 4 days last month.

Researching each one of these trades takes the team dozens of hours.

We "stress test" the trades against historical data. We do technical analysis, calculate implied volatility, comb through analyst reports -- you name it.

We also do "scuttlebutt" research to find out what the big institutional traders are doing --- because none of the fundamentals matter if a "whale" is dumping their positions into the open market.

And we do that for 6 trades each month of the year for our Expiration Week Countdown subscribers.

Given the extreme profit potential, research required, and the fact that you get 6 of these trades each month, I believe that $1,495 per year is an extremely fair price for this amazing program.

That is the normal price we advertise to visitors of our website looking for monthly quick-hit options trades.

But this is no ordinary month... and this is no ordinary offer.

I'm so excited about the profit opportunities in the days ahead, and I'd absolutely hate for you to miss out.

So, I'm going to make it incredibly easy for you to say "yes" and experience all that Expiration Week Countdown has to offer.

The price is right... plus I'm throwing in an incredible holiday bonus gift!

As I said, Expiration Week Countdown at normally $1,495 per year.

But -- when you are one of the first 30 people to sign up via the button below, you can get in today for just $295.

That's just a fraction of the regular price.

And I'm not done yet...

Check out this special holiday bonus.

When you sign up today, using the link below, I will immediately upgrade your subscription to LIFETIME status.

That's right... your $295 (a fraction of the regular one-year price) will get you 6 handpicked trades each month - FOR LIFE!

Your subscription won't expire... and you'll never pay another penny to keep your 6 hot monthly trades - each targeting up to 200% gains in just 5 days or less - coming your way.

The only "catch" is this offer ends as soon as the 30 available "pre-sale" spots are gone, or at midnight tonight, whichever comes first.

This is the absolute best offer I have ever sent out on this research service.

You'd be smart to grab it -- even if the December Volatility Vortex wasn't swirling about...

But with the opportunities that are just around the corner, you may find this to be a once in a lifetime opportunity, one you will forever regret passing up.

I don't want that to happen.

That's why I am doing everything I possibly can to urge you to click the big button below and get set up for your first trades!

After you join, my team will make sure to send you your first 6 "Volatility Vortex" trades the moment they are released on Sunday evening.

Each trade will be targeting up to 200% gains by next Friday, December 18th.

Get in now and you could have a ton of extra spending money for the holidays and heading into 2021.

Please hear me... this is not a drill.

I have been in the options markets for 40 years. And like never before, my team and I are thrilled at the opportunities we see coming down the road.

If you believe, as I do, that more volatility is in store, I hope that you will take advantage of this limited-time offer and subscribe at the link below.

Act Now!

I look forward to seeing you inside.

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

PS: If you have any questions at all about Expiration Week Countdown or this amazing offer, you can email or call my office.

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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