LAST CALL: double-your-money trade ideas, cheaper than Netflix

My promise to you: 36 months of profitable trade ideas, delivered weekly to your inbox.
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Let's say goodbye to 2020 with a promise:

Let's make more money in less time next year.

Let's put our money to work for us, and break free of the restrictions that dominated this whole crazy year.

Let's find some trades that can double your money.

Like these trades, made my Weekly Options Trader subscribers in 2020:

  • Zoom - bought calls March 16, sold on March 20 for 109% gains.
  • Wynn - bought puts March 26, sold on March 30 for 101% gains.
  • Zoom (again) - calls on April 6, sold April 14 for a 109% gain...
  • ... and we also sold Zoom calls on April 21 for a 104% gain.
  • ConocoPhillips - bought puts on May 12, sold on May 14 for a 112% gain.
  • Akamai calls on June 30, sold on July 2 for 137% gains...
  • ... and we sold the rest of our Akamai calls on July 8 for 127% gains.
  • Pinduoduo calls on July 24, sold July 31 for a 130% gain.
  • Akamai calls bought (again) on Aug. 13, sold Aug. 28 for a 120% gain.
  • Overstock calls, bought Sep. 4 and sold Sep. 10 for a 115% gain.
  • Overstock calls (again), bought Nov. 17 and sold Nov. 23 for a 104% gain.
  • Canopy Growth calls, bought Nov. 23, sold Dec. 1 for 101% gains.

That's 12 double-your-money trades in 12 months... and if you act now, you can get access to Weekly Options Trader for the next 36 months.

You'll be getting weekly trade ideas for less than the cost of a Netflix subscription.

But this is your last day to lock in your 3-year subscription offer.

It won't be available in 2021.

It won't even be available tomorrow.

Today is your last day to get Weekly Options Trader at 97% off its typical price.

Tomorrow, the subscription price resets to $1,495 per year.

Over 3 years, that's $4,485.

Right now, you can get your 3-year subscription for just $149.

... if it's not sold out.

Yesterday, I told you there were 20 3-year subscription offers left.

Today (at least when I sent you this email), we had 5 3-year subscriptions left.

They might be gone by the time you read this. I'd hate for that to happen to you.

Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. I'll check in with you one more time today. Got questions? Click here to check out Weekly Options Trader on our site - my team would be happy to answer any of your questions in the live chat app on the page.

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This is it, Trader...

The last week of the year.

What a year it's been.

You probably can't wait to put it behind you, and I can't blame you.

It's been month after month of restrictions and frustrations. "The man" keeps telling us to stay home, wear a mask, wash our hands, get a vaccine... do this, don't do that, yada yada yada... it sucks.

No one likes being told they can't do things they've always taken for granted.

No one likes feeling restricted.

But you'll always feel restricted if you don't have any financial security.

That's what millions of Americans face in 2021.

They don't know if they'll be able to pay rent or put food on the table.

None of us can rely on "the man" to get us out of this mess.

Certainly not based on Washington's track record so far...

We've got to be able to secure our own financial futures.

Here's how...

This week only, I'm opening up access to Weekly Options Trader, at the lowest rate we've offered in years.

Weekly Options Trader is our faster-paced, higher-volume trading program, with multiple opportunities to double your money every week.

In 2020, Weekly Options Trader uncovered 13 trades that would've doubled your money - all in the middle of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that threw millions of trading portfolios into chaos.

Double-your-money trades like...

Zoom calls (bought on March 16, and again on April 6). Three of those four call options doubled our subscribers' money.

The outcomes on our four early-pandemic Zoom trades were gains of 109%, 29%, 109%, and 104%... all before "Zoom" became synonymous with video meetings the way Kleenex is with tissues, or Google is for web searches.

Wouldn't it be great to be the first trader into a new trend in 2021?

If you join Weekly Options Trader today, you'll get the chance to trade all the best opportunities in 2021... and 2022... and 2023.

Because for this week only, I'm not only slashing the price on our top options newsletter...

I'm also adding two years of complimentary access to our standard one-year term.

Act Now!

Most Weekly Options Trader subscribers happily pay $1,495 a year for access to our trade ideas. They love getting at least 6 deeply researched trade recs every month, and they know any of these recs could potentially double their money within a week.

However, you can get 3 years of access for just $149 if you subscribe today.

If you don't act fast, you'll miss out on some great opportunities...

Like our Canopy Growth calls.

I told Weekly Options Trader subscribers to buy two calls on November 23, just before Thanksgiving. We closed those positions early this year for gains of 101% and 143%.

Or, which we held for a week in mid-November for gains of 104% and 22%. I know, I know. it could've been better the second time. But on balance, a triple-digit gain and a double-digit gain for a few minutes of effort isn't bad.

Those are just a couple of recs from the past month. Every month, we aim to find more trades to double your money.

I don't need to lean on picks I made 10 years ago. These winners are popping right now, in 2020, week after week, month in and month out.

The best part is that it's so dang easy.

All you need to do is make sure to check your weekly alerts, log into your brokerage account, and buy your options... then wait for the signal to close out your trades.

Financial security has never been easier.

Or more accessible.

But only if you get in now.

This offer won't last until 2021.

If you're ready to start doubling your money in minutes, join me inside:

Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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