En Lagarde: ECB to Issue Stimulus as Euro Soars

December 4, 2020
Don't Miss Out on the
Next Big Gold Boom
The next gold rally is already in full swing, with big profits flowing to those who play their cards right.

Unfortunately, most people don't understand how to make quick returns off of these slow-moving gold trends.

So they sit in "buy and hold" gold strategies that take years to play out … while in-the-know investors collect their gains week after week.

Instead, learn how to take advantage of commodity rallies like gold while they're still in their early innings.
You can get started today
En Lagarde: ECB to
Issue Stimulus as Euro Soars
It was nice to have a long weekend to rest up after the absolute barrage of economic data and news that came out last week before the holiday.

It was frankly a lot of work to process, but I powered through knowing that procrastination was all but impossible given the imminent and unavoidable Thursday/Friday Thanksgiving food coma. There may have only been three people at the dinner table, but it felt like I made enough food for thirty.

Here's to stretchy pants and no guests.

Anyway, lots of data to get through so I'll jump right in.

First off, and most importantly, jobs data continues to disappoint as initial claims rose week-on-week, coming in well above expectations at 778,000 people.
Click here for more data.
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A November to Remember
Guys, we've reached the end of another crazy month… And as we head into the last month of 2020, we also wrap up what I've been calling a "November 2020 rally to remember."

It has been one roller coaster of a month… We had major Pfizer Inc.(NYSE: PFE) vaccine news early on. It's no surprise, however, that the beginning of the month was completely overshadowed by the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

And with that, there's no better time than the present to look back and try to get a better grasp on what we've seen happen over the past few weeks… and what it could mean for our financial futures.

So today I want to review my market outlook going into December 2020. Join me as I review the November 2020 rally and pull out a few charts that support my thesis that this rally may not be as enthusiastic as we hoped, and why I feel it could be coming back down to earth sooner than we'd expected.
With that said, let's dive in!
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