If for any reason you believe you received this email in error or if you no longer wish to receive these emails, click here to unsubscribe. Dec 10, 2020 White House Watch Image Source: Fox News
For a party that was obsessed with a false story about Russia meddling in our politics, Democrats don't seem worried at all with a genuine Chinese spying controversy.
It's been revealed that China has operatives in the US that have gained access to our elected officials. But since the main targets are Democrats, leaders like Pelosi are dismissing the entire thing.
House Speaker Pelosi deflected the blame back on Trump and Republicans, saying it's all a distraction from Qanon. But what's interesting is that Pelosi didn't deny that the spying allegations were real. And worse, she says she's not concerned about a foreign nation using her party to gain sensitive information from our government.
Pelosi went so far as to say that she doesn't see the point in running strict background checks on future interns and staff members to keep this from happening in the future.
Democrats have genuinely lost their minds!
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Liberal Spin Control Image Source: CNN
Better late than never, as some would say. CNN is finally covering the Hunter Biden controversy, but the news agency is getting major backlash for waiting so long.
Now that the election is over, CNN feels like it's safe to talk about Hunter Biden and his shady business deals. They've even gone so far as to admit that Hunter has been on the government's radar since at least 2018.
The problem is that by covering the story now, CNN is essentially admitting it held the story to protect Joe Biden during the election.
It's too little, too late for the mainstream media to cover it now. This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative Be sure to check out the next edition of the newsletter for more News For Every Conservative!
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