Make your move now and you could double your money tomorrow.

Our subscribers have doubled their investments 10 TIMES in 12 months. Here's how...
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Your money shouldn't be a source of stress.

You probably didn't start investing because you enjoyed watching stocks bounce around all day (or year) long. Few do.

Market volatility is a big source of stress, too. Day trading is a brutal pastime, and few people succeed at it over the long term.

That's one big reason far more investors will say "I should've held on" than "I'm so glad I held on." Did you buy Amazon in 1997? You should start a club with Jeff Bezos and his wife. You're probably the only other person in the world (not to mention the only outside investor) with the foresight and fortitude to hang on for so long.

Everyone else took their profits a long time ago during any of the many times Amazon's stock sank a little too sharply for most people to handle.

That's what (almost) always happens.

If you're not stressing out over losing money, you're stressed out over not taking the chance to make more money... which no one can ever predict.

You know how I managed to get rid of that kind of stress about my money?

Options. Overnight Trader.

When the bulk of your investment growth happens overnight, you'll worry less about the day-to-day performance of those magical "forever stocks" like Amazon.

And since it works overnight, you won't have to spend your days watching charts and waiting for the perfect time during the trading day to take your profits.

You can lock in gains of 100% or more after one good night's sleep.

Overnight Trader subscribers get at least four recommendations every month, and over the past 12 months, they've booked 100%+ gains 10 times across 46 trades. Another 21 trades produced double-digit gains. That's 31 of 46 trades, or two out of every three.

All those pops have added up - over the past year, Overnight Trader subscribers have grown their portfolio values by 87%.

You can join them for another year of making (big) money while you sleep.

Normally, it costs $1,495 to join Overnight Trader.

That's our normal annual subscription price, and thousands of people happily pay that much to make more money with less stress.

But until midnight tonight, you can get in for just $249...

for 3 years!

That's three times as many opportunities, for less than a third of the normal cost.

If it's still October 2, you're still in luck.

If you're still reading, you're probably hopeful... but skeptical.

I can't blame you! I know what it's like out there.

I wouldn't be surprised if you've seen promises like this before.

People get burned every day by bad stock market advice. Some advice is so bad, you'll wind up paying more for it than you'll ever make from it.

Not to mention the stress of it.

Day trading is stressful.

Forex can be really stressful... or so I've heard.

You might've already bought this stock-picking service or that investing strategy guide.

You've sat at your screen all day, waiting for the numbers to move the right direction. You don't trust automatic limit orders any more - you've missed out on too much upside too many times to make that mistake again.

When you chase small gains over and over, it'll drain you. Computers have moved most of the stocks sloshing around in the market during a trading day for decades, and they're only getting better with time.

Timing the market simply doesn't work any more. Maybe it never did.

You're not a computer, and you shouldn't trade like one.

If you do, you'll burn out.

You'll never be fast enough to beat an algorithm.

You'll never be able to process as much information in your entire life as a high-frequency trading computer grinds through every day.

But we humans still have one advantage over the machines... we can strategize.

I created Overnight Trader because I've seen too many ambitious investors burn themselves out by constantly tracking tickers and trading like machines, day after day.

I've been there before.

I still like tracking tickers and making trades, but I know I'm an outlier in that regard.

Most people don't want to think about money moves all day, every day.

They just want to make more of it for less work... and they definitely want to have less stress about their money, where it comes from, and how it's growing.

On average, I tell my subscribers to make about four trades per month. It's a little less than one per week, and no Overnight Trader pick is ever held for over 7 days.

Most picks start before you go to bed and end when you wake up.

Here are a few examples of Overnight Trader's "8-hour profits," which subscribers bought before bedtime and sold at breakfast:

✅ Boeing - bought calls on 9/10/19, sold 9/11/20 for a 113% gain

✅ Dick's Sporting Goods - bought calls on 12/30/19, sold 12/31/19 for a 54% gain

✅ Peloton - bought calls on 3/16/20, sold 3/17/20 for a 195% gain!

✅ Target - bought calls 4/7/20, sold 4/8/20 for a 100% gain!

✅ Facebook - bought puts 4/14/20, sold 4/15/20 for an 81% gain

✅ JP Morgan - bought puts 5/12/20, sold 5/15/20 for an 89% gain

Every month, you'll get at least 4 opportunities to book 8-hour profits like these... but unless you act fast, you'll lose out on this deal.

Today's the last day you'll be able to get a 3-year subscription to Overnight Trader for just $249. Once the clock hits midnight, it's over.

Still have questions?

Just reply to this email and I'll do my best to help you.

Ready to get started?


Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. I'll check in with you one more time tonight. If you're still on the fence, let me know what's on your mind. Overnight Trader only gets better with the help of determined, curious people like you. I know this describes you, because it takes a lot of curiosity and determination to read all the way to the end of this note. Click here to check out Overnight Trader online - my team's available to answer your questions in the live chat app on our website.

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It's hard enough to make money in ordinary times.

And we all know these aren't ordinary times.

If you've kept your cool and held on while the market's whipsawed, I tip my hat to you. But I certainly understand if you've felt a little spooked in September.

It's not just because Halloween's around the corner.

The markets stopped moving higher a few weeks ago.

I wish I could tell you if colder weather will (or won't) create a replay of March's corona crash. Is this past month only a speed bump, or should we expect bigger drops ahead?

Who knows?

And that's the point... we really don't know what's going to happen next. 2020 has put us in some truly uncharted territory. That's why...

It's more important than ever to secure your financial future now.
Don't wait till tomorrow, next week, or next year...
Join Overnight Trader today!

Here's the thing, Trader...

Everyone says they won't follow the herd... until a stampede starts.

But that's where fortunes are made.

Your favorite investors didn't make their names by riding the same bull as everyone else.

Warren Buffett's best bets happened near the bottoms of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. He bought a railroad in the middle of the last financial crisis!

I'm not suggesting you go out and buy your own railroad. Not even when you're playing Monopoly.

I am saying you can achieve great returns when other investors head for the exits...

With the right approach.

Smart investors know how to find and profit from high-growth opportunities, no matter where the market's going - up, down, or sideways.

That's why I've built my career on options trading. There are ways to win with options in any kind of market. Would you like me to show you how?

I'm only offering this opportunity because 50 years of experience has shown me how.

Act Now!

And I'm already helping many investors just like you make more money with less effort through short-term options trades in this crazy market, even at this very moment.

You see, over the past year, I've helped a select group of options investors make five times the profit they'd have realized from an S&P 500 index fund, for barely any more effort than they'd have needed to buy that index fund in the first place.

In fact, my guidance helped these investors nearly double their initial investment since last September. To be more precise, they've enjoyed gains of 87% in a year.

These aren't professional investors or full-time day traders.

These investors are ordinary people who work demanding full-time jobs or have their own businesses. They've realized (just like you) that they need to take action to protect and build their wealth in this unpredictable environment.

I've never asked them to spend hours hunched over their screens, furiously buying and selling stocks and options all day, every day.

Most days, they barely need to think about the market at all.

They simply complete an option trade or two before going to bed and collect their profit when they wake up and the market opens.

That's why I call this program Overnight Trader.

And I want you to join us, Trader.

You can secure one of the few remaining spots at a major discount off our regular rate, but only for two more days...

Join Overnight Trader now and start making money while you sleep...
get 3 years of access before this deal's gone forever!

Just one winning recommendation from Overnight Trader will earn back your subscription cost. After that, it's all profit.

That would be true if you purchased access at our normal rate of $1,495 a year.

By following my recommendations, people who subscribed a year ago earned back more than Overnight Trader's standard $1,495 cost... in 2 days.

Last September, I recommended buying two Boeing calls on the 10th, with expiration dates on the 13th. The next day, half our calls were converted into gains of 113%. We held onto the other half for another day, closing out the position on the 12th for a 182% gain.

With a $1,000 investment, you'd have earned back twice the value of an annual subscription to Options Trader, in less than half the time it'd take you to binge-watch Breaking Bad (again).

But I'm not offering you annual access for $1,495.

I've got something much better in mind...

For the next two days, you and a small group of your fellow savvy options traders can get into Overnight Trader for only $249.

And it still gets better.

I'm not only offering access for one year.

If you take me up on this special one-time rate, your membership will be activated for three full years. That's 36 months instead of 12, for 84% less than most folks pay for just one year of access to Overnight Trader.

Act Now!

You know what that means?

If you sign up for Overnight Trader today, you'll gain access to three years of profitable options strategies for $249.

In other words, you'll get at least four options ideas each month, for each of the next 36 months, for less per month (about $6) than you're probably already paying to stream Netflix or Disney+ right now.

I like Netflix too, but binge-watching Breaking Bad won't make you rich.

Overnight Trader can.

Join Overnight Trader now and build a stream of
financial security that can last a lifetime!

I'm sure you've seen endless pitches for investment services based on a few big wins early on. Those Boeing calls took place last September...

Last September seems like a lifetime ago some days, doesn't it, Trader?

But I'm not resting on my early successes. Or even last year's successes. And Overnight Trader is far from my first success story as a trader...

I've been an investor and trader for almost 50 years. Every mistake you've made, I've made at some point in my career, too.

Mistakes can and should make us better.

I believe it so strongly, I insisted on keeping this quote in my public bio: "If a man didn't make mistakes he'd own the world in a month. But if he didn't profit by his mistakes he wouldn't own a blessed thing."

That's from Jesse Livermore, by the way - possibly my all-time favorite investor.

He was (in)famous in his time for contrarian thinking.

Every investor likes to think they'll swim against the tide, but Livermore actually did. He made millions in 1929 while the rest of Wall Street was sinking fast.

2020 isn't 1929, but only because history likes to rhyme instead of repeating itself.

Back then, options were opaque and a bit... "shadowy." The average investor didn't know they existed. The average person didn't own any stock at all.

Today, you can buy calls and puts with the push of a button on your brokerage account...

And just like 1929, options can help you make a lot of profit in the middle of a panic.

March was a fantastic month for Overnight Trader subscribers.

They realized a 196% gain on Lululemon and a 195% gain on Peloton.

But the S&P 500 lost 13% in March.

In April, our subscribers doubled their investment in Target calls overnight.

May's big winner was a J.P. Morgan put option. We opened the position before going to bed on the 12th and woke up on the 13th to gains of 88%.

In June, our DraftKings put returned 146% in two days.

All these options were recommended in the middle of one of the wildest market rides I've ever seen... and that includes 1987 and 2008.

It's been so wild that the S&P 500...

is right back to where it was at the start of the year.

Overall, the index is actually up around 3% since January.

That's a whole lot of stress for very little return, isn't it?

Do you like holding on for dear life while the market bucks and rampages every which way? I doubt it. That's probably why you're reading this - you've been looking for a smoother and less stressful way to make money in the market.

You've found it here, Trader.

Overnight Trader seeks gains of 100% (or more) within 7 days. As you've already seen, we've often booked greater gains in less time. Sometimes it literally happens overnight.

Don't miss out on the next winner...

You've always wanted to make money in your sleep...
and now you can. Join Overnight Trader today!

You can get in for just $249...

But only for two more days.

That's your price for 3 years. That's 36 months of unlimited access to at least 4 options picks every month.

Not every option can double your money. But plenty can, as many already have.

And if you don't save your spot, you'll miss out on this deal forever.

You can get access to Overnight Trader any time you want for $1,495 a year...

But I think you deserve better.

So let's get started on building that nest egg of yours into an unbreakable barrier against the chaos of modern life.

Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S... why are you still reading? It takes less time for my subscribers to double their money than you've probably spent reading this email. Click here to sign up, if you're reading this before October 1st.

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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