A $7-Trillion Market Tsunami Is Coming

Greetings Reader,

When the Fed props up the markets...

The markets soar.

Now, they're headed for historic highs beyond what anyone ever imagined.

Here's the proof:

Take a gander at this chart...

You're looking at the DOW's meteoric trajectory from 2008 to 2020.

When the Dow crashed during the Crisis of 2008, the Fed stepped in.

Central Banks printed $7-trillion of "funny money".

Next thing you know the Dow shot up from 6,500 to 29,000.

A massive 346% gain.

But that's nothing compared to what's coming next.

Because the Fed is at it again. In 2020 alone, nearly $6 trillion has been pumped into the US economy.

Central banks around the world are cranking up their printing presses too.

An estimated $7 trillion (probably even more) is once again about to shower global economies.

All that money has to go somewhere.

Which is why this time the Dow is going to absolutely explode.

Watch this for the shocking facts.


Jon Markman, Editor
The Power Elite


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