2 Booming Biotech Stocks to Buy

October 10, 2020
Potentially Double Your Money
This October
What would you do if we said you could double your money in just a matter of weeks? Even with the volatility coming from the second wave?

Thanks to recent events, we're certain it's a possibility…

The last time WealthPress Head Trader Roger Scott looked at the Nasdaq and announced his top pick… that trade made 92.5% in four weeks!

And the exact same pattern that led to those gains is lining up once again…
Learn how you could double your money this month
2 Booming Biotech Stocks to Buy
It's officially October and I couldn't be more excited…

Most traders don't know this, but every year a small yet profitable trading window opens up in the fall

It allows investors to turn just a few hundred bucks into what could be a couple thousand — especially since the string of major biotech conferences has officially begun, supplying the stock market with catalyst after catalyst.

And if these stocks are played the right way… it can be incredibly lucrative for people like us.

It's already happened with Trillium Therapeutics (Nasdaq: TRIL) and Ocular Therapeutix (Nasdaq: OCUL).

With these babies in my account, I've been hitting 52-week highs every day this week.

These two biotech stocks have been outperforming every expectation I had when I recommended them to my Free Riders Club. And they keep surprising me…

These trades have gone up 20% and 50% — in a couple of days! And traders didn't even have to risk a single penny of their starting capital.

And I have even more good news about OCUL that I'll explain in my video…
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Perfect Your Trading With Algorithms

WealthPress Head Trader Roger Scott has just made an appearance on WealthPress TV, and we couldn't be more thrilled… and you should be too!

He gave us all a first-class experience (and rundown) of what it's like to trade with algorithms.

You see, Roger was around when these "market machines" first hit the stock market, and he's used them to turn the back end of his trading career into a money-making marvel.

And now, he's not the only one: The majority of trading volume is now coming from algorithms… which is why it's so important for traders to understand how they work, so they can then start taking advantage of the predictable way algos trade…
Get the advantage over other traders now!
How You Could Earn 92.5%
On Your Account
There's been a major Flash Crash in the markets…

It's not surprising that most traders are hurting after losing money and are trying to find a solution.

Luckily, Roger Scott has seen this market activity before and knows exactly how to take advantage of these crazy market levels.

And he's finally revealing how these Flash Crashes offer traders big opportunities.
How you could earn 92.5% on your account in four weeks or less!

"Great videos especially the daily market analysis."

John R.

A Credit Spread is an option strategy involving the simultaneous buying and selling of options with different strike prices requiring a net inflow of cash. Here, the sum of all options sold is higher than the sum of all options purchased.  The difference between the two premiums is a credit you receive, and it will be deposited in your brokerage account when you open the position. In most cases, the goal of a credit spread is to have both options expire worthless, retaining your credit as profit from the transaction.
Disclaimer & Disclosures

The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Brought to you by WealthPress.

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