Revealed: The Shocking Truth Most Traders Don’t Know

You May Be Missing BIG Profits Just For Not Knowing THIS!

Hey Trader, 

I hope you’re having a good week so far. 

You know, if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we can expect the unexpected… 

And this was proven once again by the devastating explosion that rocked Beirut on Tuesday.

My heart goes out to everyone impacted by this catastrophe, and I’m praying for the thousands injured and the families of those who lost their lives.

Turning now to trading news, I saw an article the other day that caught my eye: 

Source: Business Insider

In case you haven’t been following this story, here’s a brief recap… 

Eastman Kodak, best known for its decades-long domination of the film photography industry, recently announced that it would begin producing pharmaceutical ingredients in response to COVID-19. 

Then, on July 28, it was reported that Kodak would receive a government loan to the tune of $765 million to help kickstart its drug manufacturing program. 

Not surprisingly, Kodak’s stock skyrocketed as high as 2,190% in the two days following the announcement… 

However, the stock had gained “as much as 26% the day before information about the loan was made public,” according to the article. 

Now here’s the rub… 

As you can see from the headline, this insider trading investigation was sparked by a letter from Senator Elizabeth Warren to the SEC.

In the letter, Warren wrote, “This is just the latest example of unusual trading activity involving a major Trump administration decision.”

Now I’ll let you decide for yourself how much the good senator really cares about potentially illegal insider trading… 

And how much of this is mere political grandstanding. 

Because the truth that many people don’t realize is that it’s actually 100% LEGAL for corporate insiders to trade their own companies’ stock. 

See, insider trading only becomes illegal when those insiders act on information that has not yet been made public. 

But let’s be real… 

The fact of the matter is that corporate insiders have access to privileged information before the general public does. 

… And you can bet your bottom dollar that they make trades based on that privileged information. 

But here’s another critical piece of the puzzle… 

There’s a little-known SEC rule that makes it nearly impossible for corporate insiders to be convicted of insider trading. 

In fact, this “rule” is really more like a loophole… 

Because it says that as long as the insider has a written plan for when he will buy or sell his company’s stock, he’s immune from insider trading violations. 

Now, this rule does NOT protect an insider if he decides to tip off an outside trader — like a friend, relative or business associate — to that non-public information.

But as the old saying goes, “actions speak louder than words”... 

And the reality is that we don’t need them to verbally tell us what they’re doing. 

… Because we can simply observe their trading actions through the SEC’s very own website… 

And piggyback their trades without ever exchanging so much as a word with them. 

Now, my good friend Ross Givens is an expert in the field of legal insider trading… 

And at 4 p.m. Eastern today, he and I will be going live to show you exactly how this SEC “rule” works… 

And how everyday traders like you and me can exploit it to follow these insiders to breakout opportunities that have historically led to mind-blowing gains in the stock market. 

So if you’d like to learn the details of an “insider trading” strategy that is absolutely, 100% legal… 

Then click right here to be automatically registered for this exclusive live broadcast!

This Man Is Exposing The Grand Larceny On Wall Street

Every day, traders are being tricked into relying on useless indicators and worthless strategies. 

Although they’re marketed to help traders get ahead, the reality is that these strategies and indicators actually hold most folks back… 

All while making it easy for the investment bankers, institutions and supercomputers on Wall Street to pull massive profits. 

I mean, it’s almost downright robbery. 

In fact, New York Times bestselling author and master investor Richard Ney said, 

“Hidden behind the facade of pompous jargon and noble affections, there is more sheer larceny per square foot on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange than anyplace else in the world.” 

Listen, it’s a tough market to navigate, and the odds are stacked against you… 

But there is hope. 

In fact, you can succeed in trading by leveraging the very same secret that those investment bankers, institutions and supercomputers are using against you. 

Click here to discover how!

Secretive Buying Signals Big Opportunity On Biotech Firm

Earlier this week, Ross Givens alerted his members to a micro-cap biotech firm that’s seeing a ton of secretive trade activity… 

And this thing could hand investors a hefty return in very short order.

Now, this used to be a $50 stock… 

But for the past 7 years, it’s been a complete dog, trading all the way down to 3 bucks. 

But check this out… 

In mid-April, the stock began climbing on 40 times its average daily trading volume. 

It’s already up 200% in roughly 4 months… 

But Ross thinks the move is just the beginning. 

Now, what’s really intriguing is the insane amount of buying from one particular “insider”... 

Who has gobbled up $9,135,782 worth of stock since June 18th. 

That’s nearly $10 MILLION… from a SINGLE Israeli investor operating under a secretive holding company. 

Clearly, this guy knows something… 

And based on the volume and price action, Ross expects to see another spike in volume as larger traders get involved… 

And potentially send the stock screaming higher.

Now if you’d like to learn more about how Ross finds incredible opportunities like this that are completely off most traders’ radars… 

Just click here to view a no-cost training video and discover how you can get your hands on this ticker before it moves even higher!

Yours for massive trading success, 

Dustin Pass
CEO, Market Traders Daily.

Market Traders Daily
Director of Client Services

Disclaimer: Futures, forex, stock, and options trading are not appropriate for all traders. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can ensure returns or against losses. No representation or implication is being made that using any of these methodologies or systems will generate returns or ensure against losses.

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